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This report can be found from the Reports tab under the heading for Work Reports.
The visits report catalogs visits which are dates and times on the schedule when you are performing a service. This report has four filter options to narrow down the report as well as columns that can be customized.
The visits report is handy to track details about each visit, whether that's to look back on what team members were assigned to the visit, or to look up a client's email to follow-up.
There are four filter options for the visits report:
- Visits within: this option filters the report for visits that fall within a particular date range.
- Completed: has the visit been completed? Completed visits are displayed with a checkmark in the date column.
- Assigned to: filter the report by visits assigned to a particular team member.
- Contains line item: filter the report by a particular product or service.
The report will show the columns that are set up using the Columns button in the top right of the itemized section of the report. The columns button will allow you to select and deselect columns. Columns selected here will be shown in the report.
The Receive Excel button will email you a copy of this report so that it can be opened in a program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.