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While Jobber has a handful of fields you can enter information into (name, address, etc), you might have some fields of your own that you'd like to fill out. Custom fields can be set up to help you track additional information that can be specific to your business.
Custom fields can be added to:
- Clients
- Properties
- Quotes
- Jobs
- Invoices
- Team members
Custom fields are also added automatically by some apps when you connect them to your Jobber account.
Custom fields are available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
Custom fields are set up by admin users, but can be filled out by all team members with the correct user permissions.
How to create a custom field
Custom fields can be created in two places:
- In your settings, from Settings > Custom Fields
- On a create page, for example when creating a new client
Create a custom field in your settings
To add a new custom field from your settings menu, navigate to the Gear Icon > Settings > Custom Fields. Click the Add Field button on the level that you would like the field for.
Create a custom field while editing an item
To add a custom field from a create or edit page, create a new client, property, quote, job, or invoice; or navigate to an existing one and click Edit. From the item's details, select Add custom field.
Fields to fill out when creating a custom field
When you add a custom field, it will be added to your list of custom fields in Settings > Custom Fields. This custom field will appear as an option on all items going forward. That means if you add a custom field on a client, when you create another client you will see that custom field for you to fill out.
Custom fields are internal only when created, meaning that only users on your Jobber account will see them. If your custom field is something you'd like to share with your client, it can later be made client-facing. Learn How to make a custom field client-facing.
Whether you're creating the custom field from the settings menu or directly from a work item, there will be the same fields to fill out while setting it up:
- Applies to: Choose whether this field is for properties, clients, quotes, jobs, invoices, or team.
- Transferable Field: Check the box to make your new field transferable. This allows your data to appear in multiple places and follow you through your workflow. Learn more about transferable custom fields.
- Name: Enter what you want the name of the custom field to be.
Value Type: Decide how you want to store information.
- True/False creates a check box field.
- Numeric creates a field that only accepts numbers.
- Area creates a field where you can enter length and width.
- Drop Down allows you to create a drop down with certain options.
- Text field creates a box where you can enter text.
- Default Value: Set a default value entry for it to automatically apply to this field throughout your account, or leave it blank so that you can enter in this information as you go.
Note: Adding more than 50 custom fields may cause performance issues.
Transferable custom fields
There is an option when creating a new custom field to make it a transferable custom field. A transferable custom field will transfer the information you enter at one level down to the following levels. For example, if you create a transferable custom field on a quote, it will appear on the quote, job, and invoice. Transferable fields only transfer information forwards in the workflow, not backwards.
Once created, transferable custom fields cannot be edited to become non-transferable custom fields.
App custom fields
Some apps (available in Jobber's App Marketplace) come with their own custom fields that display information or collect inputs as part of the integration. This may include links or settings that are part of the integration.
App custom fields are added to your setting automatically when connecting the app. App custom fields appear along with your other custom fields in Settings > Custom fields. They can also be reordered to fit within your other custom fields as needed.
When an app is disconnected, its custom fields are automatically archived. While the app is disconnected, the custom fields for that app cannot be unarchived.
Viewing custom fields
Custom fields and their details will appear at the top of the page that the field was created for. For example, if you have a custom field created for clients, it will appear in the top right of a client profile under their contact details.
To enter or edit information in a custom field, click Edit located in the top right of the page.
If a numeric, area, or text based custom field entry is left blank, it will NOT appear on the page, but will still appear on the edit screen to be filled in later.
Managing custom fields in your settings
Custom fields can be managed from the custom fields settings page, including:
- editing existing custom fields
- archiving custom fields
- deleting custom fields
- reordering custom fields
- making custom fields client facing
To navigate to the custom fields settings page, click the Gear icon > Settings > Custom Fields.
How to edit a custom field
To edit a custom field:
- Navigate to the Gear icon > Settings > Custom Fields.
- Select the custom field you wish to edit by clicking its name.
The fields on a custom field that can be edited are:
- Custom field name
- Default value
Note: After the custom field has been created, the field type cannot be changed and the custom field cannot be made transferable.
Transferable custom fields need to be edited or deleted from the same work item they were originally created on. For example, if a transferable custom field was created on properties (and transfers to quotes, jobs, and invoices) the custom field will appear in your settings under the heading for each of these items. However, to be edited or deleted, you will need to make the change from the same heading it was added under. The origin point for the custom field will show the custom field name in green text and the fields it transfers to will appear in black.
How to archive a custom field
Archiving is an alternative to deleting a custom field that is no longer in use as a way to retain your historical data. When a custom field is archived, it will no longer appear on any new items created, but will remain visible on current or past items.
To archive a custom field:
- Navigate to the Gear icon > Settings > Custom Fields.
- Find the custom field you wish to archive, then select the ... icon > Archive.
Custom fields that have been archived will appear in a collapsed Archived section under each heading on your custom fields settings page. To view the archived custom fields, expand this section.
To unarchive an archived custom field:
- Navigate to the Gear icon > Settings > Custom Fields.
- Expand the Archived section, locate the custom field, then select the ... icon > Unarchive.
How to delete a custom field
Deleting a custom field (including deleting archived custom fields) permanently removes all of its associated information from your Jobber account and cannot be reversed. If you won't be using a custom field going forward, but want to look back at historical data, archiving the custom field may be a better fit.
To delete a custom field:
- Navigate to the Gear icon > Settings > Custom Fields.
- Expand the Archived section and locate the custom field you would like to delete.
- Select the ... icon > Delete.
- Confirm the deletion by checking the box, then select Delete.
Note: Deletions are permanent and cannot be reversed.
How to reorder custom fields
If you have multiple custom fields, you can drag them into the order you want them to appear by using the Drag icon to the left of them.
If you have an app custom field section, the custom fields within the section cannot be reordered, however the app custom field section can be reordered.
How to make a custom field client-facing
By default, custom fields are internal so only you and your team can see them in your Jobber account. However, some settings can be changed so that your custom fields can be seen by your clients as well. Any app custom fields or currently archived custom fields cannot be made client-facing.
To make a custom field client-facing, follow these steps:
1. From, select the Gear Icon > Settings > Branding.
2. Select Change PDF Style.
3. From the pop-up, there are tabs for style, quotes, jobs, and invoices. Select the tab where the custom field appears. For example, if you have a custom field set up on your invoices, choose the invoice tab.
Note: Custom fields selected on the style tab will only be visible to clients on PDFs.
4. Check the box for the custom field name. This will make it visible in client hub and PDFs.
5. When you're done making changes, select Save Changes.
Learn more about the PDF Style Tool
How to use custom fields on reports
Custom field data can be seen in Reports and will be visible where they are created - as an example, to see information about custom fields on invoices, go to the Invoice report.
You'll find all of your custom fields within the Columns drop down list on the right of the report. To add the custom field to the report, mark the checkbox beside it. By default, archived custom fields are still visible in reports, but can easily be unchecked from the list. App custom fields are also available on reports.
Franchises and exporting reports with custom fields
If you have multiple Jobber accounts which are linked as a franchise, you have the ability to export data from all your linked accounts with one click, including custom fields. These exports show the data from all your accounts in one spreadsheet.
Navigate to the report you want to export and from the Recieve excel copy button, select All columns (Franchise) to export all the columns available in this report to export this data across all linked accounts. If you only want to export the columns currently visible, select Selected columns (Franchise). If you only want to export the data from the account you are currently viewing, select the All columns or Selected columns options.
If you are including custom fields in the column options in the report, all accounts being reported on must have the same custom fields in the same order so that the information is consistent in the report export. Custom field order can be adjusted in each account by going to the Gear Icon > Settings > Custom fields and dragging and dropping the custom fields in the same order. The custom fields being included in the report will also need to have the same name across accounts. If their names vary between accounts, the field will appear with a blank column header in the report.
Learn more about franchise reporting.
Import custom fields
Custom fields can be imported while doing a client import. You can bring your clients into Jobber quickly by doing a CSV import, rather than manually adding clients one-by-one. CSV (which stands for Comma Separated Values) and TSV (which stands for Tab Separated Values) are two types of spreadsheet files which are supported in a client import. Our import process takes the data from your spreadsheet, then walks you through steps to make sure all your information formats correctly in Jobber so you aren't left hanging with missing information.
Note: Only text-based client custom fields can be imported, this does not include drop-down custom fields.
On your CSV, title the column heading what you want to name your custom field. When you import a heading that is not recognized as one of our supported fields, click Include as custom field to bring this heading into Jobber as a client-level text custom field. The custom field will be imported with the same title as your column heading, but you can still edit the custom field name on this screen if you need to change the name.
If you are doing a client import to add new information to an existing custom field, make sure to choose this same option to Include as custom field.