Account owner
An admin user that is designated as the owner of the Jobber account, this person has rights to the account and information within it. There can only be one account owner per Jobber account.
Admin users
Users who have full access to the account, including reports, settings, integrations, and account billing.
Assigning employees to tasks on the calendar. For example, assigning employees to a visit on a job, or to a task.
Batch invoice creation
A feature in Jobber you can use to make multiple invoices at one time for jobs that are in ‘Requires Invoicing’ status.
Batch invoice delivery
A feature in Jobber you can use to email multiple invoices at once, or you can print the invoice PDFs and send by standard mail.
Billing frequency
A schedule you set on a recurring job for how often the client is billed for the work.
Billing history
Found on the right side of a client page, this is the record of balances, invoices, deposits, and payments specific to that client.
Calendar colors
Colors can be assigned to items on the calendar based on specific words in the title, or based on who was assigned that work.
Chemical tracking
Record forms you can attach to clients or specific jobs for chemical applications done on the property.
Client hub
An online portal where clients can view their quotes, invoices, and work requests and pay for deposits and invoices online.
Stands for client relationship management. These are tools you use to manage customer interactions and data.
Stands for comma separated values. If you are importing clients or services and products to Jobber, the file will need to be in a CSV file format.
Custom fields
Information fields that you can custom create to track information in your account. Custom Fields can be made on properties, clients, quotes, jobs, invoices, and team members.
Daily route optimization
On the map view, you can click on an anytime visit and select ‘Route From Here’. Based on an algorithm, Jobber will try to find the shortest route through properties.
Day sheets
PDFs you can print or email to your team members with their assigned tasks for the day.
An item on the calendar that all users can see on their schedules. You can use events for company-wide meetings or reminders.
A cost or charge that is recorded by a user. Expenses can be associated to a job, or be a general work expense.
A button in the top right of all calendar views, that allows you to show or hide different types of tasks.
Fixed price billing
A type of billing where you invoice the client the same price over a period of time, no matter how many visits are done. E.g., You invoice the client $100 per month.
Jobber has a variety of different programs that it can integrate with. Integrations send information between Jobber and another program.
Internal notes & attachments
Areas on clients, requests, quotes, jobs, and invoices where you can store notes and attachments visible to you and users with permission to view these items.
Invoice reminders
Calendar tasks Jobber generates based on how the job is set to invoice, to remind you to invoice a client.
A bill you send to clients for services and products you provided.
Job follow-ups
Emails Jobber automatically sends to clients once a job is closed to thank them and collect feedback for your reporting.
Job forms
Customizable forms you can create that users can fill out on visits for a job. E.g., A safety checklist to fill out on each visit.
Job Instructions
A short description of the work to be done on a job.
A record of the work you are performing for clients, including visit dates for service. The schedule for the work to be done is setup by creating a job.
Line items
Items you include on quotes, jobs, and invoices for the cost of services or products.
Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and an email marketing service.
Automated reminders and follow-ups that are sent via text message or email based on a schedule. Includes quote follow-ups, appointment & visit reminders, job follow-ups, and invoice follow-ups.
Stands for Portable Document Format. If you download a document from Jobber such as a quote or invoice, the file will be in a PDF format.
PDF style
A tool that allows you to format your PDFs including PDFs for quotes, jobs, and invoices. This is where you can update the color of your headers, select custom fields to appear on the PDFs, and add a contract/disclaimer.
Also referred to as line items. You can enter a list of your services and products into the Settings area on your account.
Property/service address
A client’s address where work is performed.
Quote follow-ups
A feature that sends an automatic notification to clients who have a quote in awaiting response status. The follow-up is sent either via email or quote, depending on the method the quote was sent by originally.
Quotes (estimates)
A document you send to a client before starting a job that outlines the costs of service and products.
An item on the calendar Jobber generates to remind you to invoice a client or manually follow-up on a quote.
See also: assessment and appointment reminders
The section in Jobber that contains reporting, including Jobber Payments reports.
Route optimization
On the map view, you can click on an anytime visit and select Route From Here. Based on an algorithm, Jobber will try to find the shortest route through properties.
Schedule views
Different formats you can view the schedule in. Jobber offers month, week, day, maps, and list views of the schedule.
Labels you can create for clients to group them together. In the client list you can click on a tag to view only clients with this tag.
An item on the calendar that you can assign to employees and they can mark complete when done. Tasks are items you are not invoicing a client for.
Time Sheet
A section in Jobber where you can view employee time entries, approve time sheets, and confirm payroll. Time entries can be associated with jobs, or be a general time entry.
Transferable custom fields
Custom fields that transfer their information to items made from them. E.g., If you have a transferable field on jobs, and create an invoice for the job, the field will show on the invoice too.
Unit price
The amount you charge customers for a product or service.
Stands for Virtual business card. You can export your clients in a vCard file.
Visit based billing
A type of billing where you invoice the client based on the number of visits. E.g., 2 visits are done and the price per visit is $50, so you invoice the client $100.
Dates and times on the schedule when you are performing a service, typically this is when you are going out to a property. A job can contain a single visit or have multiple visits.
Visit title
A short description for a specific visit on a job.
Zapier is an online automation tool that can be used to connect two apps that do not have a direct integration.