Table of Contents
Job forms are customizable checklists and forms that can be attached to jobs to have your team fill out on their visits. Job forms are a good way of collecting information while on a visit and standardizing the way information is entered when different employees are filling out the forms. Job forms can be set up with checkboxes, dropdowns, as well as short and long answer fields to customize based on your needs. The job forms report is a way to view your job form submissions and see the filled out information.
Schedule: View and complete their own
Jobs: View all jobs
Reports: View reports
To navigate to the job forms report, select Reports from the side navigation, then select Job Forms Report.
Select a job form and set a date range
One job form at a time can be selected to view in the report where there are rows for each instance of it being filled out on a visit.
To generate the report, start by selecting the job form you want to view and setting the date range from the dropdowns. The date range are:
- Last week
- Last 30 days
- Last month
- This year
- Last 12 months
- Custom range
Note: If you have created many job forms, use the search bar to locate the job form you wish to view in the report.
Columns for the job form report
Columns in the job forms report can be customized by selecting the Columns button, then selecting the columns for the report from the columns list.
To see all the columns in the report, scroll to the right.
The options for columns that can be added to the job forms report are:
- Scheduled date: This is the date of the visit the job form belongs to
- Job #
- Client name
- Client email
- Client phone
- Service street
- Service city
- Service state/province
- Service ZIP/postal code
- Custom form fields: These are the checkboxes, dropdowns, or answer fields you set up for this job form.
Export the job forms report to CSV
To export the job forms report, click the Email CSV button, then select if you'd like to export the report will all columns or just the selected ones. The report will then be sent to the same email address that you use to log into Jobber.
Note: Job form fields need to be unique to successfully export the job forms report. If a job form has multiples of the same question, the export will have errors.
Exporting the CSV is a good option if you need to work with the data in the report, print the report, or share it with someone who is not a user in Jobber account.