Table of Contents
Customize your communications with specific information automatically.
Variables are a way to fill in the blanks to customize a template message with information relevant to the client you're contacting. This saves you from having to type out specific details when sending messages, as the variable will populate it for you.
Variables are available for email as well as text messages, which can be found by going to the Gear Icon > Settings > Emails and Text Messages.
For each template, variables can be inserted to populate the relevant information.
The preview shows what your client sees when they receive the email or text message from you will the variable populated with information. If you use a variable that isn't supported or make a typo, the preview will show the variable or incorrect text instead of populating correctly. The preview is a good way to look over what you'll be sending out, before you actually start sending things out.
For example, in this email template the {{CLIENT_NAME}} variable populates with the name of the client that this email is being sent to, as well as the quote total and the date the quote was sent.
When variables can be added to a message, there will be an option below the message template to Insert Variable. This will insert the variable into your message, then when it's sent to your client the variable will fill in the blanks with the relevant information.
List of variables
These are the variables that can be added into your communications.
Note: different variables can be used in different messages, not every variable works in every message.
Variables that can be used in Jobber emails and texts This table scrolls to the right |
Variable | Name | What Does it Do? | Where Can You Use it? |
{{ADDRESS}} | Address |
Populates the address from the quote including street, city, state, and zip code |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text) ✅Email templates (request, quote, and quote approval only) |
{{ACCOUNT_BALANCE}} | Account balance |
Client's account balance. Note: when using this variable with invoices the amount shown will be the balance before this invoice is sent |
✅Quote Follow-ups (email & text)
{{ARRIVAL_WINDOW}} | Arrival window | Shows the arrival window for a job |
✅Assessment & visit reminders reminders (email & text) ✅Job booking confirmation (email & text |
Assigned employee(s) | Assigned employees on a visit | ✅Assessment & visit reminders (email & text) |
{{CLIENT_COMPANY_NAME}} | Company name | Client's company name |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{CLIENT_FIRST_NAME}} | First name | Client's first name |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{CLIENT_LAST_NAME}} | Last name | Client's last name |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client name | Client's full name or company name |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{CLIENT_TITLE}} | Client title | Client's title (e.g. Mr, Mrs., etc.) |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{COMPANY_NAME}} | Your company name |
Your company name. You can specify this from company settings |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{CURRENT_DATE}} | Today (Day email is sent) | Email sent date |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅ Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{DAYS_OVERDUE}} | Invoice days overdue |
Number of days an invoice is overdue by |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text) |
{{DEFAULT_EMAIL}} | Reply-to email address as set up in Settings > Emails and Text Messages |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{DEFAULT_PHONE}} | Your company’s phone number |
The phone number listed in company settings |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}} | Quote deposit amount |
Required deposit amount from the quote |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{DISCOUNT_AMOUNT}} | Quote discount amount |
Discount offered on the quote in $ |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_BALANCE}} | Invoice balance | Balance from the invoice |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_DUE_DATE}} | Invoice due date | Date the invoice is due |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_NUMBER}} | Invoice number | Number of the invoice |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_SENT_DATE}} | Invoice sent date | Date the invoice was sent |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_SUBJECT}} | Invoice subject |
Shows the subject line from the invoice |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{INVOICE_TOTAL}} | Invoice total | Total from the invoice |
✅Invoice follow-ups (email & text)
{{JOB_FORM_NAME}} | Job form name | Name of the job form | ✅Job form email template |
Subject | Job title from a quote or job |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text)
{{JOB_NUMBER}} | Number | Job identification number |
✅Visit reminders (email & text)
{{JOB_DATE_AND_TIME}} | Job date and time | Job date and time, for example: 29/09/2022 3:00PM |
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text) |
{{JOB_DETAILS}} | Job details | Inserts the property address, start date, and arrival window for the job. For example: Location: 289 NW 198th St / Shoreline, WA 98177 Date: Mar 20, 2023 Estimated Arrival Time: 9:00PM – 10:00PM |
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text) |
{{JOB_LOCATION}} | Job location | Job address, for example: 289 NW 198th St / Shoreline, WA 98177 |
✅Job booking confirmation (email & text) |
{{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}} | Payment amount | Payment total | ✅Payment and deposit receipt email template |
{{PAYMENT_OR_DEPOSIT}} | Payment type |
Indicates if the payment was a deposit or payment |
✅Payment and deposit receipt email template |
{{QUOTE_TOTAL}} | Quote total | Total amount due on a quote |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{SENT_DAYS_AGO}} | Days ago quote was sent |
Number of days ago that the quote was sent |
✅Quote follow-ups (email only) ✅Email templates (quote and quote approval only) |
{{VISIT_DATE_AND_TIME}} | Date and time | Displays the visit schedule | ✅Quote follow-ups (email & text) ✅Assessment & visit reminders (email & text) |
{{VISIT_DETAILS}} | Summary |
Displays the date, address, and time of the visit on separate lines |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{VISIT_DATE_IN_WORDS}} | Visit date |
Displays the date of the visit in words in the preview, but will populate in the communications |
✅Assessment & visit reminders (email & text) |
{{VISIT_LOCATION}} | Service address | Displays the visit service address |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{VISIT_TIME}} | Time | Displays the start and end time of a visit |
✅Quote follow-ups (email & text)
{{URL_PLACEHOLDER}} | Client hub link | Inserts a placeholder link to client hub into the text. It will look like: |
✅Quote follow-up (text only) |
{{WHEN_VISIT_OCCURS}} | Visit dates and time | Inserts the visit date and start time. For example, at 3:00PM on Sept 05 |
✅Assessment & visit reminders (email & text) |
{{WORK_DETAILS}} | Work details | Populates the visit date, property address, and arrival window. For example: Date: Mar 20, 2023 Where: 289 NW 198th St / Shoreline, WA 98177 Estimated Arrival Time: 9:00PM – 10:00PM |
✅Assessment & visit reminders (email & text) |
Variable | Name | What Does it Do? | Where Can You Use it? |