Table of Contents
The products and services list in your settings is where you can add default products and services so that the details like the name, description, and unit price are already entered for you when adding line items to quotes, jobs, or invoices. You can think of this page as your default price list. On select plans, this is where you can add an image and markup to your saved products and services too. Learn more about our current pricing.
To view your products and services list, click the Gear Icon > Settings > Products & Services.
Create and update products and services
Your default products and services are managed from the Gear Icon > Settings > Products & Services. This is where new products and services can be added, updated, or deleted.
To add a new product or service, click the + Add Item button.
Then enter:
- Item type dropdown: Select if this is a product or service.
- Name: The name of the product or service.
- Description: A description of the item.
- Unit cost ($): The expenses you incur to provide a product or service. This option is available on select plans as part of our markup functionality. Learn more about our current pricing.
- Markup: The percentage added to the unit cost to calculate the unit price. This option is available on select plans.
- Unit price ($): The amount you charge customers for a product or service.
Photo: An image of the product or service. This option is available on select plans.
- Note: Line item images are only available on quotes and do not appear on PDFs.
Checkboxes: Check the box for "exempt from tax" if tax is not charged on this item.
- Note: When editing a product or service after it has been created, there is another checkbox for "available on quotes, jobs, and invoices". When this is deselected, this item is considered "inactive" and isn't available on quotes, jobs, or invoices.
To update or delete an item once it is created, click on the item in the list to open the item details. From the pop-up, make your changes and click Update to save those changes. To delete the item, click Delete in the bottom left corner. Updating or deleting an item does not change this line item on any quotes, jobs, or invoices where it already has been added.
Note: If you are syncing with QuickBooks Online, the item will need to be edited in QuickBooks as this program is dominant for products and services.
Online booking
When creating or editing a product or service, there are additional settings for online booking.
To add this item to the your list of bookable service for online booking, set the toggle to ON.
To add a duration for this service, select a length of time from the drop down. There are options from 15 minutes to 12 hours in 30 minute increments. The service duration selected here is the duration that shows to your customers for the service and is used to calculate the duration of the appointment.
To give your clients the ability to add a quantity of this item, check the box for Allow customers to select quantity. This will expand options for the minimum and maximum quantities that your client can select.
These settings can also be adjusted from the Gear Icon > Settings > Online Booking > Manage Services.
How to navigate the list of products and services
Your list of products and services shows all items in one list, regardless of the item type. Items are listed alphabetically which can be sorted by their name or type by selecting either the Name or Type column headings. Items can also be located using the search bar to look up item names and descriptions.
Your total number of products and services is listed at the bottom of the list. To adjust the number of items that show per page, use the dropdown to change the number per page.
When the toggle for Products & Services is toggled ON, you are able to add costs to quotes and jobs. The costs entered are used to calculate job profitability as part of Job Costing.
Importing and updating products and services
To import your products & services list, click on the Gear icon > Settings > Products & Services. Navigate to the Import Products & Services section. This is where you can upload your CSV file of products and services to import them into Jobber. Your CSV file will need to be in a specific format that is available by downloading our sample file linked in the Import Products and Services section to format your spreadsheet for Jobber.
To format your CSV file, keep the headings in the sample file the same, but add your own products and services under the headings.
The headings you'll need in your CSV file are:
- Name (title of the product or service)
- Description
- Unit Price
- Taxable (this will be either TRUE or FALSE – TRUE for if that item is taxable, and FALSE if it's not a taxable item)
- Category (this will be either Service or Product)
- Active ((this will be either TRUE or FALSE – TRUE for if that item is currently being offered, and FALSE if it's not)
On select plans, you may also see these headings:
- Unit cost (this is used to calculate job costs)
- Bookable (this is a setting specifically for online booking - this will be either TRUE or FALSE, depending on if this is a service you're offering for online booking)
- Duration mins (this is a setting specifically for online booking - this is the duration of the service in minutes)
- Quantity enabled (this is a setting specifically for online booking - this will be either TRUE or FALSE, depending on if this is a product or service where the customer can choose a quantity. If customers can set the quantity, enter TRUE. If not, enter FALSE)
- Minimum quantity (this is a setting specifically for online booking - If the quantity enabled field is TRUE, enter the minimum quantity of the product or service in this row)
- Maximum quantity (this is a setting specifically for online booking - If the quantity enabled field is TRUE, enter the maximum quantity of the product or service in this row)
If you need to update your products and services en masse (for example, if you were to change your pricing, including raising prices across the board), rather than editing each item individually you can use the import tool to update your products and services by updating those fields on your CSV spreadsheet and then re-importing it into Jobber.
The fields that can be updated by re-importing the CSV spreadsheet are:
- Unit price
- Unit cost (available as on option on the Grow Plan)
- Description
- Category
- Taxable status
- Active
- Bookable
- Duration mins
- Quantity enabled
- Minimum quantity
- Maximum quantity
Select your CSV file, then check the box to Update existing items. Then click Import data.
If your spreadsheet contains the same products and services that already exist in your list, then you will see a checkbox for Update existing items. Checking this box will update and overwrite products and services that have previously been added in Jobber with the unit cost, unit price, description, taxable status and/or category that has been updated in the CSV spreadsheet you've selected to upload. If there is no change to that product or service in your CSV spreadsheet, then that item will stay the same when re-imported into Jobber.
Note: If you are syncing with QuickBooks US, you won't be able to update your products and services list with an import since those updates need to happen in QuickBooks to keep everything in sync. If you are syncing with QuickBooks Global, products and services can be updated through an import, but you'll see a warning that data will be overwritten from the next sync with QuickBooks. For both QuickBooks US and QuickBooks Global, a best practice is to update your products and services in QuickBooks and then run a sync to bring those updates into Jobber.
If you're on the Grow Plan and want to update your markup, it will be recalculated during the import when a new unit cost or unit price is updated through the import–there is no markup column in the sample file. If new costs are added without updating the unit price, the price will remain the same and the markup will be adjusted.
Important things to note
- There is a limit for importing 2.5MB worth of items at one time, so if you have a large list, you will have to split it into multiple CSV files.
- In the Unit Cost and Unit Price columns, make sure to only have a numeric value, as a $ symbol will cause an issue with the import.
- Use the Category column to specify if this is a Product or a Service. If this field is left blank it will default as a Product. This field is case sensitive, so make sure that Product and Service only have the first letter capitalized and not the whole word.
- The Taxable column is a true or false value. If this field is left blank, then the system will default to assume that this item is taxable.
Exporting products and services
To export your Products & Services list, click on the Gear icon > Settings > Products & Services. You'll find the export box near the bottom of the page:
When you click Export to CSV, you will get an email shortly that contains a CSV file with your products and services list. If you have over 1500 items, you will receive multiple emails with your products and services list split so that each CSV file contains 1500 items or less.
If you have less than 50 products or services, the file will download automatically rather than being sent by email.
Add to products & services from a quote, job, or invoice
You can also add a product or service to your list when working on a quote, job, or invoice, by typing in a new item name that is not yet in your saved list. The system will then prompt you to Add to Products & Services which saves this item to your products and services list in Settings so that it can be used again in the future.
To keep the new item a custom item that isn't saved in your list, continue to enter in the name, description, quantity, and cost, without clicking Add to Products & Services. This will keep it as a custom line item since it will only appear on the quote, job, or invoice where you have entered it. Custom line items are good fits for things that are unique to this client only, such as special pricing, images of their property, or discounts.