Table of Contents
What are work settings?
From the settings menu, Work Settings is the area that contains the settings for quotes, jobs, invoices, and statements. You can navigate here by clicking the Gear Icon > Settings > Work Settings.
Quote Settings
From the Quotes section of Settings > Work Settings, quote reminders can be set up by setting the toggle to ON.
Quote reminders
Quote reminders appear on your schedule in as a reminder to follow up on a quote that has not been converted into a job yet. Quote reminders are different than quote follow-ups (which are available on select plans), as quote reminders do not automatically send anything to your client (however quote follow-ups do); this is just a reminder on the schedule for a team member to manually reach out to the client. Quote reminders can be a good option if you prefer to follow up on quotes with a phone call rather than a text or email.
Note: Quote reminders don't appear in the app.
In Work Settings, you can set the number of days after the quote has been sent that you would like the reminder to appear. The reminder will be assigned to the user who created the quote, prompting them to follow up with the client.
Job Settings
From the Jobs section in Settings > Work Settings, you can customize:
- your arrival window settings - Arrival windows are a way to communicate to your clients that you'll be arriving within a window of time, rather than an exact start time. Learn more about arrival windows.
Note: Your default arrival window will apply to all jobs that are active (including those in action required, requires invoicing, or late statuses). Learn more about job statuses. - visit titles - Visit titles are displayed on your calendar on
For jobs, you can customize:
Arrival window settings
Select your Default arrival window. This is the duration of the arrival window. The options are:
- None (no arrival window at all)
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
Next select your Arrival window style. There are two options:
- Add window after start time - With this style, if a job has a scheduled start time at 9AM, the arrival window will start at 9AM.
- Center window after start time - With this style, the arrival window will center around the job's start time. This means that a job with an arrival window of two hours and a start time at 9AM would have arrival window from 8AM until 10AM.
To turn your arrival windows off, navigate to the Gear Icon > Settings > Work Settings then set your arrival window default to "none". This will turn arrival windows off for all jobs.
Customize your visit titles on the schedule
Visit titles are displayed on your calendar on Visit titles can be customized from Settings > Work Settings using custom visit variables to change the details that appear on the schedule in, including:
- Client's name (first and last)
- Client's last name
- Job number
- Job title
- Street address fields
- Property's first street address field
- Property's second street address field
- Property's city
- Property's state or province
- Property's zip or postal code
- Client's phone number
These variables can be copied then pasted into the "Visit Title Template" field. This will update all the visits in your schedule to follow this format.
For example, with the visit title configuration {{CLIENT_NAME}} - {{JOB_TITLE}} - {{CITY}}, visits would appear like this in the schedule:
The schedule titles in the app will appear a bit differently than on the desktop. They will show the visit title (or job title if there is no visit title), then the client name, then the address. The other information (such as city) will be viewable if you open the visit.
Invoice Settings
From the Invoices section of Settings > Work Settings, your invoice preferences can be customized including:
- The default subject line on all invoices. By default, this is "For Services Rendered"
- Invoice payment due date (these are your payment terms)
- Automatically assigning invoice reminders to a team member
For statements (which are generated from a client's profile from their Billing History Box by clicking New > Statement), you can set the order in which the statement's transactions appear. For example, the most recent payments and invoices can appear at the top, or at the bottom.
You can also add a contract/disclaimer to statements here, that will appear at the bottom of the statement.
Chemical Tracking
Learn more about Chemical Tracking.
Note: Chemical tracking is not available in the Jobber app. Settings and chemical treatments are all managed from