Table of Contents
The one-off jobs report lists your one-off jobs along with filtering options and data columns to save you time and find the information you need quickly.
To view the one-off jobs report, navigate to and select Reports from the side navigation. Under Work Reports, select One-off jobs report.
The one-off jobs report is accessible by admin users or users with these permissions:
- view full client and property info
- view quotes
- view jobs
- view invoices
- report permissions
- show pricing permission
Reports are available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
Job insights on the one-offs jobs report
At the top of the one-off jobs report, there are some visualizations and insights about your one-off jobs. These insights follow the date filters applied to the report. Insights include:
- Job revenue – This is one-off job revenue for within your selected date range. Revenue for today is not included in this chart (refer to the next 30 day job chart to see revenue for today). This chart shows revenue pre-tax and pre-discounts and is calculated as the sum of the line items.
- Cost – If you are using job costing, this chart shows one-off job revenue and costs for each calendar month, up to the end of yesterday. The large numbers show the total revenue and total costs for the period covered by the chart. Hovering over each month will show the cost breakdowns by line items, labour and expenses.
- Jobs scheduled – The large number is the total jobs for the period.
Permissions note
The visualizations are only shown to team members who have these user permissions:
- View reports
- View all jobs
- Show pricing
In order to see s job revenue and job costs visualizations, they will also need:
- Job costing
Setting filters for the one-off jobs report
Filter by client
To filter the report the report by client to show just a single client's jobs, click on the Client filter dropdown, search for the client's name, and then select the client's name.
Filter by date
Click the Scheduled visits within filter dropdown to change the jobs that appear in the report based on their status. The options include:
- Scheduled visits within
- Scheduled start within
- Job created
- Closed within
- Unscheduled visits
Next, select a date range. Your options are:
- Last week
- Last 30 days
- Last month
- This year
- Last 12 months
- Custom range
Note: The totals in the overview are only responsive to the "job created" filter plus your selected date range. If you select a client filter or different date type filter (such as "closed within"), the totals will not respond to those selections.
Columns in the one-off jobs report can be customized by selecting the Columns button, then selecting the columns for the report from the columns list.
The options for columns that can be added to the report are:
- Created date - The date the job was created in Jobber
- Client name
- Lead source
- Title
- Schedule start date - This is the first visit date
- Closed date- The date the job was marked closed
- Job #: This links to the job
- Visits assigned to - These are any users assigned to the job
- Total revenue ($) - This is the sum of the line items (excluding discounts and tax)
- Client email
- Custom fields- These must be custom fields on jobs
- Client phone
- Line items
- Billing street
- Billing state/province
- Billing city
- Billing zip/postal code
- Service street
- Service city
- Service state/province
- Service zip/postal code
- Invoice #s
- Quote #
- Quote discount ($)
- Online booking - If this was booked online by a client (yes or no)
If you are using job costing and have job costing permissions (in addition to the user permissions listed in the overview of this article), the one-off jobs report will additionally have the following column options:
- Expenses total ($) - Sum of all expenses associated with that job
- Time tracked - Number of hours billed to a job. Displayed as HH:mm
- Labour cost total ($) - Sum of the cost of labour associated with the job. This would be the total cost for each time entry associated with the job
- Line item cost total ($) - Sum of line item costs
- Total costs ($) - Expenses total + line item + labour costs total
- Profit ($) - Job revenue - Job costs
- Profit % - ((job revenue - total costs)/job revenue) * 100
Export to CSV
To receive a spreadsheet version of the one-off jobs report, click Export to CSV then select if you'd like to export the report with all columns or just the selected ones. The report will then be sent to the same email address that you use when you log into Jobber. Exporting to CSV is a good option if you need to work with the data in the report, print the report, or share it with someone who is not a user in your Jobber account.