Table of Contents
You and your team can run your day-to-day operations from anywhere with our iOS and Android mobile apps. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Requests can be created internally to set up time in your calendar for an assessment or submitted by your clients through your website or social media. Assessments are a scheduled time to complete a request where you might visit the client's property and create a quote or do the job. You can schedule an on-site assessment right from the app to block off the time in your schedule and then requests can later be converted to a quote or job to keep your workflow moving along.
Requests are available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
Creating requests
Requests can be created in the Jobber App from the:
- Schedule (day and week views): Tap a blank spot on the schedule at the time you wish to schedule the new appointment. From the bottom menu, select New request.
- the quick create menu: Tap the + icon in the bottom right corner and select Request.
Depending on which screen you create the request from, some of the information (such as client) might already be filled out for you, but let's take a look at a completely blank request.
The first part to fill out is the client's name. Tap the + icon to either select an existing client or create a new one. To be able to save a request, you need to enter a client but all the other fields are optional. From there we can add a Request title, this is usually a short description of the kind of service this client is looking for.
Service details and availability
Next are the request form questions. These are set up in from Settings > Requests. These questions appear both for leads who are filling out the request form online or for you when creating a request internally.
If you've added an customer availability section, you'll see a section for Your Availability. This is where you can indicate what the client's preferred availability is.
Note: This does not book anything into your schedule (adding a schedule under assessment details does however). This section is for indicating client availability and is typically used by clients when submitting requests online.
Schedule assessment
Next is the on-site assessment. An assessment is an event that appears on your schedule and is typically the time you would take to visit this property and assess if you're going to move ahead with the work. For many companies, assessments also include writing up a quote. If you are ready to schedule an assessment, from the assessment details section tap + to add a schedule. If you're creating a request from your schedule, the assessment details section will already be added to your request.
If you are creating this request from the schedule, the assessment will default to a one-hour duration starting at the time you selected on your schedule and it will already be assigned to the team member adding the request.
When scheduling an assessment, add Instructions. The instructions are an internal description for the assigned team so this is a good spot to leave details for your team about what needs to be done while on this assessment or if there's anything to watch out for.
Next, select a date for this assessment. By default the date will be "unscheduled" until you select a date for this assessment. Once a date is added, you will be able to add a scheduled time or leave it as anytime. Then assign team members to this assessment. The assigned team members will see this assessment on their schedule. Once you're done, tap Save Assessment.
Actions on requests
Since requests are the starting point in your workflow, the actions on requests are all about moving your workflow along.
If you have created an request with an assessment, but haven't let your client know you have their work booked, the primary action is to Send a booking confirmation.
Once the booking confirmation is sent, the primary action changes to Complete Assessment since this is the next stage of your workflow. Completing the request puts it into "Assessment Completed" status which indicates the next step is to either archive the request if you aren't moving ahead with the work, or convert the request to a quote or job if you will be moving ahead with the work.
For a request without an assessment, the primary action is Convert to Quote.
From requests both with and without an assessment, from the More Actions button the options are:
- Convert to quote: Create a quote with the same client and property address from this request. The service details from the request will be viewable so that you can reference them while filling out the quote.
- Convert to job: Create a job with the same client and property address from this request. The service details from the request will be viewable so that you can reference them while filling out the job.
- Send booking confirmation: Send an email or text message to the client to let them know their work has been booked! Learn more about booking confirmations.
- Archive: If you will not be moving forward with this work, select Archive.
- Delete: After selecting delete, you will be asked again to delete the request so if you accidentally tap that button you can still cancel out of it. To permanently delete the request, tap Delete. Deleting the request also deletes the assessment.
Requests list
To view a list of all the requests in your Jobber account, navigate to the Clients tab from the bottom menu. From the client's list, tap Requests to view a list of your requests. The list will show the most recent 100 requests, but items beyond the most 100 recent can be pulled up from the search. You can search by using:
- Client name
- Client phone number
- Property address
Each request in the itemized list has a label for the request status, so you'll know at a quick glance where each request is in your workflow. Requests can also be filtered by status so you'll only see items of a particular status in the list. To filter by status, select Requests to view the request status options. Tap the status for a list of items in that status.
There are several statuses for requests:
- New: these are requests that have been created internally or submitted by a client, but no further action has been taken yet.
- Unscheduled: requests with an assessment required but not scheduled.
- Overdue: the assessment for the request has not been completed, but its scheduled date has passed.
- Assessment Completed: the assessment for this request has been completed, but the request hasn't been converted (if moving ahead) or archived. This status is a prompt that something needs to be done with the request, whether that's archiving it or converting it.
- Converted: these requests have been converted into a quote or job. This is a final status for a request.
- Archived: these are requests that are not moving ahead. Archived requests were never converted and are not visible to clients. This is a final status for a request.