Table of Contents
The quotes report is where you'll find an itemized list of all your quotes, including a link to view the quote as well as details like the client's contact information (name, email, and phone number), quote title, line items, quote status, user who sent the quote, and deposit information.
To view the quotes report, navigate to and select Reports from the side navigation. Under Work Reports, select Quotes Report.
The quotes report is available to admin users or users with these permissions:
- View all quotes
- View all reports
- Show pricing permission
Quotes report overview and visualizations
At the top of the quotes report is an overview (including visualizations) of your quotes within the selected date range.
Quote conversion rate: The quote conversion rate is calculated by measuring the ratio of the number of quotes with a sent date in a calendar month against the number of quotes with a conversion date in a calendar month. Hover over the graph to see the underlying date range and conversion rate for a particular month.
Note: Quotes can be converted to jobs without either sending the quote (via email or text message) or marking the quote as sent. This means that quotes that were converted without being "sent" won't have an associated sent date. Because of this, these quotes will not be included in the sent quote portion of the quote conversion calculation. This also means that you could have a quote conversion rate that is greater than 100%. - Sent and converted quotes: This shows the value of quotes sent and converted each month. This visualization may help you understand how your volume is changing over time. Hover over the the graph to see how many quotes were sent or converted within a month.
- Status overview: The status overview breaks down how many quotes you have in different statuses within the selected date range from the filters below. To filter the quotes report by status, click the status heading from the overview to narrow down the report to show only the quotes in the selected status.
Quote statuses
There are 6 statuses a quote can be in:
- Draft: This is a quote that has not been sent to your client yet, and is only visible to you.
- Awaiting response: This is a quote that has been sent to your client and is awaiting approval or a change request.
- Changes Requested: This is a quote that a client is requesting changes on.
- Approved: This is a quote that has been approved by the client, or has been marked as approved manually. Learn more about Quote Approvals
- Converted: A quote that has been converted into a job.
- Archived: A quote that has been archived in the system. These are only visible to you in Jobber, not to your clients in client hub.
Set filters for the quotes report
The quotes that appear in the quotes report all fall within the conditions and date range you set on the report. There are additional filter options for the quote report, including:
Filter by client
To filter the report by client to show a just a single client's requests, click on the Client filter dropdown, search for the client's name, and then select the client's name.
Filter by salesperson
To filter the quotes report by salesperson, select the Salesperson filter and select the team member to isolate quotes in the report that have this team member listed as the salesperson. Learn more about Salesperson Performance.
Filter by date
Click the Drafted within filter dropdown to change the quotes that appear in the report based on their status. The options include:
- Drafted within
- Approved within
- Converted within
Next, select a date range. Your options are:
- Last week
- Last 30 days
- Last month
- This year
- Last 12 months
- Custom range
The quotes that show in the report will all have a drafted date that falls between the start and end date of this date range. This is when the quote was originally created, not the date it was sent or issued to your client.
Columns on the quotes report
Columns in the quotes report can be customized by selecting the Columns button, then selecting the columns for the report from the columns list.
The options for columns that can be added to the report are:
- Quote #: This is a fixed column. The quote number links to the quote
- Client name
- Client email address
- Client phone number
- Service street
- Service city
- Service state/province
- Service ZIP/postal code
- Salesperson: Learn more about salesperson attribution
- Title: This is the quote title
- Status: Learn more about quote statuses
- Line items
- Subtotal ($): Value before taxes and discounts
- Total ($): Value before taxes and discounts
- Discount ($): Learn more about discounts
- Required deposit ($)
- Collected deposit ($)
- Job #s: Linked jobs if quote has been converted
- Sent by user: This is the first user that sent the quote
- Viewed in client hub: The most recent date the client viewed the quote in client hub
- Drafted date
- Sent date: First sent date
- Sent to: First phone number or email address the quote was sent to
- Changes requested date: First changes requested date
- Approved date
- Converted date
- Archived date
- Custom fields
- Note: If an quote is created before a custom field has been created, and the new custom field has a default value, this default value will not populate on the quote record on the report.
Export the quotes report to CSV
To receive a spreadsheet version of the quotes report, click Export to CSV then select if you'd like to export the report with all columns or just the selected ones. The report will then be sent to the same email address that you use when you log into Jobber. Exporting to CSV is a good option if you need to work with the data in the report, print the report, or share it with someone who is not a user in your Jobber account.
How to export the quote report and calculate your conversion rate
The quotes report can be exported to a spreadsheet where you can calculate the conversion rate on your quotes.
To calculate the conversion rate, follow these steps:
- Select the date range you're interested in and export the report to CSV
- Add up the number of quotes that have a date in the Converted date column
- Take that number and divide it by the total number of quotes, then multiply it by 100 to calculate the conversion percentage
Pivot tables
Another way to analyze the data from the quotes report is to utilize a pivot table. Pivot tables can be set up in most spreadsheet editing tools and can be used to calculate, summarize, and analyze data in order to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in your data.
- Learn how to create a pivot table in Microsoft Excel
- Learn how to create a pivot table in Google Sheets