Table of Contents
PDF versions of your quotes, jobs, and invoices can be downloaded both internally in Jobber as well as by your client from client hub.
To customize your PDF settings, navigate to the Gear Icon > Settings > Branding. On this page, there is a section for PDF Style. This is where you can preview your PDFs. To make an update, click Change PDF Style. PDF settings apply to downloaded PDFs and in some instances, what is visible in client hub.
Changes made to your PDF style settings impact all PDFs generated going forward; already created PDFs will not be changed retroactively.
This will open the PDF Style tool:
Basic style options
The first tab is Style. This affects the general look of PDFs generated in Jobber. You can change settings for the following:
Header Layout: This is the general layout of your invoices. Choose from the following:
- Basic
- Compact
- #10 Envelope - Single Window
- #10 Envelope - Dual Window
Header Style: Choose from 2 different header styles:
- Modern
- Clean
Logo Size: Choose the size that your logo appears on your PDFs:
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Header Color: Select the color of your PDF headers.
Footer Font Size: Choose the font size of your footers on PDFs
Below this, choose to show or hide company information by selecting or unselecting the checkboxes beside them:
- Show/hide your phone number in the header.
- Show/hide your email address in the header.
- Show/hide your website in the header.
- Show/hide client phone number.
You can change this information in Company Settings (Settings > Company Settings)
- Show/hide any client-level custom fields that you have. Learn more about custom fields.
Invoice, quote, and job PDF options
After the style tab, there are tabs for invoices, quotes, and job PDF settings.
These tabs have checkboxes for various items that can be included in the PDFs. These are the options that you have to choose some on each tab:
- Refer to "Quote" as "Estimate" on PDF (quotes): This option will replace the word "quote" with "estimate" in client hub, downloaded PDFs, emails (including headers and buttons), and text messages (estimate will appear instead of "tap to view quote").
- Show QTY on line items (quotes and invoice): Shows the quantity of a line item.
- Show unit price on line items (quotes and invoices): Shows the unit price of a line item.
- Show total cost per line item (quotes and invoices): Shows the total cost of a line item. The total cost depends on the quantity and the unit price.
- Show totals & tax in footer (quotes): Shows the total of the line items on the quote and the tax.
- Deposit language (quotes): This section allows you to set a specific message to appear if you mark the quote with a required deposit when creating it. If this option is marked, the client will see this additional text on the quote.
- Show client signature line (quotes and jobs): Adds a line on the PDF that the client can sign if printed.
- Include return payment stub (invoices): Adds a tear-off payment return stub at the bottom of your unpaid invoices. Note: the return stub is formatted to fit #8 envelopes.
- Show late stamp if overdue (invoices): If an invoice is late, this option will put text that says the invoice is late across the invoice.
- Show account balance (invoices): This will show the account balance in addition to the invoice balance. The account balance is made up of all the invoices and payments for the client.
- Show paid date (invoices): Shows the date the payment was collected in Jobber.
- Show "name of custom field" (quotes, jobs, and invoices): If you have any custom fields set up, this is where you can enable if they are client-facing. The custom field will show by name such as "referred by". Checking off the custom field here will make this field visible both on the PDF and in client hub.
- Contract/disclaimer field (quotes, jobs, and invoices): This message will appear at the bottom of the PDFs and can be used for information you'd like to make your client aware of.
How to update the "client view" on quotes and invoices
Below the client message section on quotes and invoices is a section for "client view" where certain fields can be hidden. The fields that show by default are the ones checked off in your PDF style settings, but they can also be customized for individual quotes and invoices.
The "client view" fields that can be shown or hidden on quotes are:
- Quantities
- Unit prices
- Line item totals
- Totals
The "client view" fields that can be shown or hidden on invoices are:
- Quantities
- Unit Prices
- Line item totals
- Account balance
- Late stamp (if overdue)
To hide a "client view" field on all quotes or invoices created going forward, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Gear Icon > Setting > Branding.
- Click Change PDF style.
- Select the Quotes or Invoices tab depending on which you wish to update.
- Deselect the checkbox for that field (for example, account balance) to hide the field on on all future quotes or invoices.
Note: This change won't retroactively update your existing quotes or invoices. Any already created quotes or invoices will need to be edited individually.
To hide a "client view" on individual quotes or invoices:
- Navigate to the quote or invoice, then select Edit.
- Below the client message field, select Change.
- Deselect the checkbox.
- Select Update quote or Update invoice.
Previewing the PDF form
You will see a small preview of the custom PDF on the right-hand side of the dialog box and it will update as you make changes to any of the templates.
Clicking on the View PDF Preview will open the full-size PDF in another tab of your browser, letting you see exactly what the template will look like.
Note: The preview and custom template will not be saved until you click Save Changes.
PDF attachments and emails
PDFs are created for both quotes and invoices but aren't automatically attached when emailing a quote or invoice to a client. These PDFs can be downloaded both by you internally or by your client via client hub if they would like to print or save a copy for their records. When emailing a quote or invoice to your client, they will view that item by clicking a button to open it in client hub. Since client hub is interactive, they will have some options that a PDF cannot offer including paying invoices or deposits on quotes, requesting changes on quotes, selecting optional line items, and viewing line item images.
You can still attach a PDF to your emails if your client would like a PDF copy. When sending a quote or invoice, in the email preview check the box for the PDF in the attachment section.
Note: Email attachments must be under 10MB total.
Client hub
Some of the PDF settings also apply to what your clients see in client hub, so that the items that are client-facing are consistent whether you are viewing a PDF or a quote or invoice in client hub.
PDF settings that appear in client hub include:
- Refer to "Quote" as "Estimate" in PDFs, client hub and customer communications
- Note: This option is for quotes only.
- Show QTY on line items
- Show unit price on line items
- Show total cost per line items
- Custom fields: selecting the "show" option for quote or invoice custom fields makes the custom field visible both on the PDF as well as in client hub.
- Note: Jobs don't appear in client hub, so selecting a job custom field only makes it visible on the job PDF.
- Contract/disclaimer message
Your company logo (set up from Settings > Branding) is also visible in client hub.
In addition to your PDF settings, your company settings (Settings > Company Settings) have some fields that appear in client hub. These are:
- Company name
- Phone number
- Website URL
- Email address
- Address
- Business hours
- Social media
Learn more about what clients see in client hub.