Table of Contents
Set it and forget it!
Automations on are a way to set up workflows that will happen automatically. Automations reduce the amount of time and effort you need to spend yourself doing manual tasks; Jobber will handle it for you!
To set up or manage an automation, navigate to the Gear Icon > Settings > Automations. The automations setting page is accessible to admin users.
Automations are available by feature availability by plan. View our current pricing plans.
If you do not see Automations in your settings menu, you can set up quote follow-ups and invoice follow-ups from Settings > Emails and Text Messages.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
The following automations are available for quotes:
Quote follow-up – Win more work, faster by sending automatic email and/or text message follow ups to clients about quotes you haven't heard back on
- This notification is sent automatically according to a schedule based on the number of days since the quote has been sent.
- This notification is sent in the same method as the quote. For example, if a quote was sent via text then the quote follow-up will also be sent via text.
- Custom quote automations
Follow up on quotes
Quote follow-ups will allow you to touch base with clients when they haven't responded back to a quote you've sent them. This feature will automatically send an email or text message to remind your client about their quote.
Quote follow-ups are available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
There are two quote follow-up automations available, so that you can send your clients up to two reminders about their quotes in "awaiting response" status. To customize the quote follow up automation, select one of the follow-up cards under the quotes heading to open the Edit Automation menu.
The Edit Automation menu is where you'll set:
- an automation title
- when the follow-up will be sent: the number of days after sending the original quote that the follow-up will be sent. To change the number of days select the green, underlined number text and select another option from the menu.
- the message text: customize the content of the follow-up message.
Note: the follow-up will be sent in the same method as the quote. So if the quote was sent via text message, the follow-up will also be sent via text message.
Select Save Automation to save your automation settings.
Quote follow-ups will send at the same time of day (local time) as the original quote.
The following automations are available for invoices:
Invoice follow-up – Automatically remind clients their invoice is due by email and/or text message, and give them an easy, one-click option to pay.
- This notification is sent according to a schedule based on the number of days since the invoice has been sent.
- This notification is sent in the same method as the invoice. For example, if an invoice was sent via text then the invoice follow-up will also be sent via text.
- Custom invoice automations
Follow up on invoices
Are you still waiting on a payment from a client? You can send them an invoice follow-up to prompt them to pay their overdue invoice. Jobber will send out an automatic reminder to your client by email or text asking them to pay the outstanding balance.
The setting to customize your invoice follow-ups has moved to the Gear Icon > Settings > Automations.
Invoice follow-ups are available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
There are two invoice follow-up automations available, so that you can send your clients up to two reminders about their invoices in "past due" status. To customize the invoice follow-up automation, select one of the follow-up cards under the invoices heading to open the Edit Automation menu.
The Edit Automation menu is where you'll set:
- an automation title
- when the follow-up will be sent: this is the number of days after the invoice's due date when the follow-up will be sent. To change the number of days, select the green underlined text and select another option from the menu.
- the message text: customize the content of the follow-up message.
Note: the follow-up will be sent in the same method as the invoice. So if the invoice was sent via text message, the follow-up will also be sent via text message.
Select Save Automation to save your automation settings.
Invoice follow-ups will send shortly after 8AM (local time) on the day they are set to send.
Deactivate an automation
To deactivate an active automation, select the automation card from the automation settings page. From the edit automation menu, select the more actions (...) button, then select Deactivate.
Once the automation is deactivated, the "active" label will become an "inactive" label.
To set the automation active again, navigate back to the edit automation menu, then select more actions (...) > Activate.
Custom automation builder
Custom automation builder is a tool for automating your workflows in Jobber. Build your own automations using triggers, conditions, and actions to automate routine tasks and actions within your day-to-day.
Custom automation builder is available on select plans. View our current pricing plans.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
Learn more about
Custom Automation Builder
Share your feedback
Is there something in Jobber you'd like to automate? From the automations settings page, select the button for Let us know and share your feedback with our product team.