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Get paid on average 4x faster than checks when your clients pay with debit or credit. Securely save cards on file for future payments with Jobber Payments. Start taking payments.
Jobber Payments is our fully integrated payment processing platform that lets you manage client card information, payments, and deposits in Jobber.
Jobber Payments offers:
- A convenient payments option for your clients to make online payments through client hub
- The ability for both you and your clients to securely save credit cards on file. You can charge these as needed or set them up to bill automatically on a recurring basis
- Quote deposits can be paid internally by the client's saved card or by the client making a payment online
- Reports on transactions processed through Jobber Payments and payouts to your bank
- Refund processing directly within Jobber
- A card reader to collect payments in person that is compatible with Apple Pay and Google Pay
Jobber Payments can process all major debit and credit cards. That means as long as it has a Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, or Discover logo on it you can accept the card. When paying through client hub, clients can also choose to pay their invoice with Apple Pay or Google Pay. With Jobber Payments the minimum payment is $0.50.
Jobber Payments is available in the UK, US, and Canada.
Jump to Jobber Payments settings
Manage Jobber Payments
Once Jobber Payments has been set up, you can manage your account by going to the Gear Icon > Settings > Jobber Payments. Only admins and account owners can access this page, and only account owners can update bank account information.
If you haven't set Jobber Payments up yet, learn How to Set Up Jobber Payments.
Gain Insights about your Payouts
The insights section at the top of the Jobber Payments settings page is where you can view information about recent activity with your Jobber Payments.
The insights section includes:
Deposited payouts: At a glance, see your total amount of payouts for this week and this month.
- Select View bank payouts to open the Jobber Payments Payouts report or select View transactions to open the Jobber Payments Transactions report.
Upcoming payouts: Quickly see any payouts currently on its way to your bank account and payouts that are currently processing.
On its way to your bank: The total amount of funds that are in transit to your bank account.
- If you have three or more upcoming payouts, select View all upcoming payouts to see a list of the future payouts.
Processing payout: Payouts that are still being processed before they make their way to your bank.
- Select Get it now to initiate an instant payout.
On its way to your bank: The total amount of funds that are in transit to your bank account.
Receivables: Pulse check on outstanding balances and how quickly you get paid. This section includes:
- Number of clients that owe you money and the total amount owed.
- Percentage of recurring jobs that have automatic payments enabled.
- Average number of days that all paid invoices in the past 7 days took to get from issued to paid status.
- Select View Age of Receivables to open the Aged Receivables report.
Payment options
There are two payment options through Jobber Payments:
- Card payments (such as credit and debit)– Your Jobber Payments rate is determined by the Jobber subscription plan you are on. The fees you pay per card payment transaction are displayed in this section along with the logos of the types of cards you can accept such as Visa, MasterCard, or AmEx as well as Apple and Google Pay.
- ACH bank payments–This feature is available in the US only. For new accounts, ACH will already be set to ON so that you're ready to start collecting bank payments. This section will show your ACH rate as well as any limits. When the ACH limit is exceeded, Jobber will automatically disable ACH bank payments as an option on invoices and quotes. Learn more about bank payments (ACH).
Quotes preferences
Under quotes preferences for Jobber Payments, there are three settings:
- Accept online deposits on client hub–This setting will give clients the option to pay a quote deposit online through client hub. When this setting is turned OFF, there is no online payment option for quotes in client hub.
- Require payment method to be saved on file–This setting automatically saves a payment method on file for future use when your client pays a quote deposit. The saved payment method can include either a bank account (ACH) or a card. Learn more about Saving and Charging Payment Methods with Jobber Payments.
Default payment options–When bank payments (ACH) is enabled, you'll have the option to select which payment methods you'll accept for quote deposits. Your selection here sets the default for all quotes. The options are:
- Accept both card and ACH bank payments
- Accept card payments only
- Accept bank payments (ACH) only
To change the settings, use the toggles to turn each setting on or off.
Invoices preferences
For the invoices preferences for Jobber Payments, there are two settings.
- Pay invoices–This setting controls the option for clients to pay invoices online through client hub. When this setting is turned OFF, there is no online payment option for invoices in client hub.
Accept tips from clients–Use this setting to prompt clients to add a tip when paying in client hub. Tips are a global setting so when enabled it applies to all clients and will be an option on any invoices awaiting payment. After signing up for Jobber Payments, tip collection is defaulted ON for the following industries, but tipping can be enabled or disabled in your settings at any time:
- Residential cleaning
- Pool and spa service
- Window washing
- Handyman
- Pressure washing
- Lawn care & lawn maintenance
- Junk removal
Learn more about Tip Collection with Jobber Payments
Default payment options–When bank payments (ACH) is enabled, you'll have the option to select which payment methods you'll accept for invoice payments. Your selection here sets the default for all invoices. The options are:
- Both card and ACH bank payments
- Card payments only
- ACH bank payments only
To change the settings, use the toggles to turn each setting on or off.
For the Jobber Payments notifications settings, there are two options:
Get notified of payments by email– When this setting is enabled, a payment notification email will be sent to all of the admin users in your Jobber account. These emails are triggered when a quote deposit or an invoice is paid by one of your clients, not when payments are manually entered.
Note: If a payment fails (such as an ACH payment or automatic payment), you will be notified about the payment failure by email, even if the "get notified of payments by email" toggle is turned off. - Send email receipts to clients– When this setting is enabled, your clients will be sent a confirmation email following a successful quote deposit or invoice payment. Note: Refund receipts must be sent manually to clients.
To change the settings, use the toggles to turn each setting on or off.
Card Reader
The Jobber card reader allows you to quickly, easily, and securely take cards in person using the mobile app. Since this is a card-present transaction, we are able to lower fees for the transactions you process through Jobber Payments. The card reader accepts credit cards (swipe, tap, and chip), Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Your rate for transactions processed with the card reader will appear in this section of the Jobber Payments Settings page.
To purchase a card reader, select Buy Card Reader located in the Card Readers section of the Jobber Payments settings page.
Bank details
The bank details section is along the right side of the settings page. This is where you can view the connected bank account. There are also options to view your Jobber Payments payouts and transactions reports.
Note: Only account owners can update bank details.
If you are using Instant Payouts, below your bank details is a section for Instant Payouts where you can manage the debit card where funds are paid out and view transactions.
If there are any payouts in transit to your bank account, they will be displayed under the On its way to your bank heading. To view past payouts as well as future payouts, select View bank payouts to open the Jobber Payments payouts report.
Disputes dashboard
A dispute occurs when a cardholder questions the validity of a charge on their statement. This can either be an inquiry to learn more about the charge or a chargeback where the client is questioning the validity of the charge.
Select View Disputes to open your disputes dashboard. The disputes dashboard is where you can see an itemized overview of all your disputes including:
- Status (including the date a response is needed by)
- Date the transaction was disputed by the client
- Client name
- Invoice or quote associated with the disputed charge
- Amount ($)
- Reason for the dispute
- Type (chargeback or inquiry)
If a client has disputed a payment, the disputes dashboard is where you will see the details of the dispute and if you decide to counter the dispute, where you will submit evidence.
Learn more about
Jobber Payments disputes
Disable Jobber Payments
If you would like to disable Jobber Payments, click the text for Disable Jobber Payments at the bottom of the Jobber Payments settings page. Disabling Jobber Payments will remove the option for your clients to pay online on any outstanding or new invoices.