Table of Contents
You and your team can run your day-to-day operations from anywhere with our iOS and Android mobile apps. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
In Jobber lingo, a job is the overall scope of work and visits are each event on the calendar where you would go to a client's property to do the work. You can think of it like a pizza, where the overall project is the full pizza and the visits are the slices.
When creating a job in the Jobber mobile app, you'll be able to set up a schedule for this job (including if it's just a one-time project or if it repeats), the assigned team members, as well as the products and service that will be used. Creating jobs is how your Schedule in the Jobber App (Updated Jobber App) is populated with visits.
Creating a job
You can create a job in the Jobber App through the:
- Schedule tab (from the week view or day view): Tap a blank spot on the schedule at the time you wish to schedule the new appointment. From the bottom menu, select New job.
- the quick create menu: Tap the + icon in the bottom right corner and select Job.
- Client's profile: Navigate to the client, then tap +Create and select New job.
- Converting a request or quote to a job: From a request tab More Actions > Convert to Job. From a quote, tap Schedule Job, or if the quote hasn't been approved yet, Approve and Schedule.
Select a client and set up the job details
The starting point for creating a job may vary, but filling out the details on the job is the same.
You will be asked to add a client for the job using the + icon. If the job was created from a quote or request, the client and their property will already be filled in for you with the same client from the quote or request.
Add the work details
Next is the overview section.
- Job overview, including:
- Job title: This is usually a short description of the job
- Instructions: Instructions entered here show up on each visit. This might be instructions on how to access the property or any information you'd want your team members doing the job to know.
- Job custom fields
- Line items: these are the products and services that are a part of this job.
- Tap + to add line items to the job.
- Select a line item from your products and services list. These are shown in the same order they appear in from Settings > Products & Services. Use the search bar to quickly find and select from your products and services.
- Tap each line item to select it. Multiple line items can be selected at once to add to the job. If you add too many line items, tap the checkbox next to the selected line item to deselect it, or tap Deselect All to undo all your selections.
- To add a new line item that's not in your products and services list, tap the + icon in the top right. Enter a name, description unit price, and quantity for this line item.
- To add this new line item to your products and services list so that you can offer it again in the future, keep the toggle for Save to products and services to ON.
- If a line item is tax exempt, slide the toggle for Charge taxes for line item to OFF. By default, this will be on when adding new line items.
- To add a new line item that's not in your products and services list, tap the + icon in the top right. Enter a name, description unit price, and quantity for this line item.
- Job forms: these are forms and checklists that can be filled out on each visit. Learn more about job forms.
The subtotal will calculate automatically depending on the line items entered.
Note: Jobs don't include taxes, deposits, or discounts.
Set the schedule
Next up, you have the schedule details where you'll set the:
- Schedule: This is how often you'll visit the property to do this work. The schedule set up on the job is what creates the visits that you'll see on the Schedule tab in the app.
- Creating the schedule will prompt you to select the start date for this job from the calendar date picker. Select the date you want to start the job by tapping the date.
- From the Time section, select a start time. The default start time is 30 minutes from the current time.
- Tap X to remove the start and end time to create "anytime" visits. Anytime visits are visits for this job that can be done anytime during the day of the visit, rather than at a scheduled time. You might create anytime visits in order to use routing in Jobber. Learn more about How to Route.
- If you are using arrival windows (these are set up in from the Gear Icon > Settings > Work Settings) the arrival window will be added based on your default settings. Tap Arrival window to edit the arrival window duration for this job, make your selection, then tap Set Arrival Window to save.
- From the Repeating drop-down, set how frequently this job repeats. If this job has a repeating schedule, it will be created as a recurring job. If the job does not repeat, it is a one-off job.
- If you've selected that this job repeats, you'll be prompted to set the Duration. This is how long the job will last. Enter the number of days, weeks, months, or years that this job will run for. This will populate a Visit summary so you can preview an overview of the number of visits that will be created for this job and when the first and last visits will be.
- Assigned team: These are the team members who will be going out and doing the work. Assigning team members on the job, assigns these users to all the visits that are a part of this job.
- By default the user creating the job will be assigned to the job. Tap Edit to change the team assignment.
- From the Assign Team page, check off the team members that you'd like to assign to this job. Tap + to add a new user to you Jobber account. When you're done making your selections tap Save assigned team.
- When adding a new user, enter their name, email address and mobile phone number. The email address entered will be the new user's login for Jobber and they will receive an email to that email address to accept the invitation to join your Jobber account and set up a password. If you enter a name, but not an email address or a phone number the item will be assigned to that person, but they won't be able to access Jobber since they won't have received an invitation to join.
- Users created through the app will be created with the limited worker default permission, however these permissions can be customized for that user from To update their permissions navigate to the Gear Icon > Manage Team > Their Name.
Create the invoicing schedule
Keep scrolling and next there are options for Getting paid for this job. The invoicing options that appear here will be dependent on how the job's schedule was set up.
From the How do you want to invoice? drop-down menu:
- For a job without a repeating schedule (one-off jobs), the toggle for Remind me to invoice when I close the job is turned ON by default. When this is on, an invoice reminder will be created when the job is closed which is what puts the job into "requires invoicing status" and prompts you to invoice for this job. The line items that appear on the job (not visit) will be pulled onto the invoice and every invoice will be for the same amount. This invoicing style works well if a client pays a flat rate and it doesn't matter how many times you visit them. With this option, you won't be asked when you want to invoice since it'll be when you close the job. When the toggle is turned OFF, you won't be prompted to invoice for this job
- For a job with a repeating schedule (recurring jobs) your options are:
- To charge one price, regardless of how many visits are completed during the billing period.
- To charge for the work done each visit. The line items that appear on each visit will be populated onto the invoice. This invoicing style works well if you offer different products and services on each visit, or if the client pays based on the number of times you visit them.
From the When do you want to invoice? drop-down, you set up how often the client will be billed:
- The last day of every month: This option will create an invoice reminder on the last day of the month. This means on the 30th or 31st (or 28th in February) an invoice reminder will be created and the job will move into "requires invoicing" status.
- When a visit is marked complete: Once a visit is marked completed, an invoice reminder will be created to prompt you to invoice and the job will move into "requires invoicing" status.
- When the job is marked closed: Jobs are typically closed once the entire duration of the job has been completed. This option doesn't take visits into consideration, but the actual job being closed. Once you close the job, an invoice reminder will be created to prompt you to invoice and the job will move into "requires invoicing" status.
- Don't remind me to invoice: This option won't create any invoice reminders, so you won't be prompted to invoice by Jobber.
Based on your invoicing schedule, you'll see an invoice frequency that shows how many times you'll be invoicing for this job and when the first and last invoice reminders will be generated.
Note: Setting this job up with automatic payments must be done from
And that's it! The job is now set up! As we all know, sometimes schedules can change and you might find that individual visits need to be moved or changed from time to time. If that situation arises, individual visits can be edited.
Visits are the scheduled dates and time that you will be doing the work for the job. Visits in the Jobber App can be viewed on the schedule, but also in a list from the job. Depending on the duration of the job, you might have many visits spanning multiple years. The visits section on the job will display the next five visits. To see all the visits, tap View all.
For jobs with more than five visits, when viewing all visits there are filters to narrow down visits by status. This way you can follow up on late visits or view unscheduled visits since these don't appear on the schedule since they don't have a date and time yet.
To open a visit, tap on it from the list. When viewing a visit in the app, here is what actions or information is shown:
- Back arrow: navigate back to the schedule.
- Phone icon: call this client (their primary phone number will be used).
- Text message icon: on select plans, send a text message.
- Visit icon: this icon indicates what type of schedule item this is:
- Green truck (icon): Visit
- Blue clipboard (icon): Task
- Yellow calendar (icon): Event
- Bronze inbox (icon): Request
- Job status
- Job or visit title
- Property address: this is where you're going and where this visit takes place. Tap the address to copy the address or open the property in Apple Maps, Google Maps, or Waze.
- Directions icon: Tap to open directions to the property address in Apple Maps, Google Maps, or Waze.
- On my way icon: on select plans, send an on my way text message.
- Schedule start date
- Arrival window: on select plans, shows the arrival window for the visit
- Start Timer: this button starts a visit timer. This time will be visible from the Time Sheet tab.
- Complete Visit: this action completes the visit. If you have set this job to invoice per visit, you may be prompted to invoice.
- More Actions (...): These are additional actions on this visit:
- Get directions: This opens the scheduling app of your choice with directions to the property address.
- Schedule new visit: This opens the New visit screen where an additional visit for this job can be added.
- Delete visit: Remove this visit. This option deletes only the visit, not the job.
Each of these numbers corresponds to a number on the following image:
To edit a visit, navigate to the visit either by selecting it from the Schedule tab or selecting the visit from the Visits section on a job.
On the visit there are three tabs: one for Visit, one for Details, and one for Notes. By default, the Visit tab will be selected where you will find additional information about the visit such as instructions, job forms, line items, and schedule details. The Details tab has a link to the client, custom fields, and job details. The Notes tab is where you can add a note or view the note history for this visit. To add a note, tap Notes, then Add note.
Scrolling down through the Visits tab, there is information on:
- Instructions:
- Tap + to add instructions or Edit to update existing instructions for this visit.
- Job forms
- If there are job forms added to this job, tap the Job form title to fill it out.
- On the job form, you will be able to fill out the fields that were set up from Field types may include checkboxes, short or long answer, or drop-downs.
- Once your form is filled out, tap Save to save your entries or ... to save and send an email copy to your client all in one go. Before the email is sent, you'll have an opportunity to look the email over.
- Note: If a user completes the visit when a job form hasn't been filled out, an alert will pop up to let them know the job form is blank. This is a reminder to fill out the job from, if necessary. Tap Cancel to return to the visit, or Complete visit to move ahead with completing the visit without filling out the job form.
- Line items:
- Tap + to add line items.
- For any existing line items on this visit, tap the line item name to edit. Fields that can be edited include the line item name, description, unit price, and quantity. Line items can also be removed from this visit from the Edit line item screen. Any changes made will only update the line items for this visit only, not the job.
- Note: If the job was converted from a quote with line item images, the images will carry over onto the job and be visible on both jobs and visits. However, line item images cannot be added or edited from the job or visit, so if you need to make changes to the line item images they must be edited on the quote.
- Schedule details
- Tap the Schedule date to change the scheduled date and time for this visit.
- From the Date field, you can set a day for this visit or set it as unscheduled to be scheduled late. To change this visit to unscheduled, tap the x beside the date to remove the scheduled date.
Note: An unscheduled visit is created for an unscheduled job. - From the Time field, tap the visit time to set a start and end time. If there is a start and end time, but you'd like to change the visit to "anytime", tap the x to remove the start and end time which will default this visit to "anytime".
- From the Date field, you can set a day for this visit or set it as unscheduled to be scheduled late. To change this visit to unscheduled, tap the x beside the date to remove the scheduled date.
- Tap the Schedule date to change the scheduled date and time for this visit.
- Team
- Tap Team to add or remove team members from this visit, then tap Save Team. The team members assigned will update only this visit, not the job.
- Client
- Tap > to update the visit title. By default, the format of job and visit titles is set up in in your work settings.
- Tap on the client's name to view the client's page. The client's page shows an overview of the client's information, their work, and notes.
- Tap on the job number to view the job page.
- Job custom fields appear in this section, however they must be edited from the job (rather than the visit)
Jobs list
To view a list of all the jobs in your Jobber account, navigate to the Search tab from the bottom menu. From the client's list, tap Jobs to view a list of your jobs. The list will show the most recent 100 jobs, but items beyond the most 100 recent can be pulled up from the search. You can search by using:
- Client name
- Client phone number
- Address
- Custom field entry
- Line item
- Job number
- Job title
Each job in the itemized list has a label for the status, so you'll know at a quick glance where each job is in your workflow. Jobs can also be filtered by status so you'll only see items of a particular status in the list. To filter by status, select Jobs to view the job status options. Tap the status for a list of items in that status.
The job statuses are:
- Active: Active jobs are the jobs in progress
- Upcoming: These are jobs with future visits scheduled.
- Today: Jobs with visits scheduled today.
- Late: These jobs are active. They have visits where the scheduled visit date has passed, but the visit wasn't completed.
- Unscheduled: These are jobs that have visits created, but the visits have been set up to be scheduled later.
- Action Required: These are jobs that are still active, but they have no more upcoming visits. You can think of action required like being "on hold". Action required is a prompt to either schedule more visits or close the job.
- Requires Invoicing: Jobs that are in requires invoicing status have an overdue invoice reminder. This is a prompt to create an invoice for this job.
- Ending Within 30 Days: These are jobs that have an end date that falls within the next 30 days. After their end date, this job won't appear on the calendar anymore.
Note: This status refers to jobs (not visits) where the job duration is ending in the next 30 days. The end date of a job isn’t the date of the last visit, it’s the start date + the duration. - Archived: These are closed jobs that no longer need to be invoiced. These are the jobs that you are done with.
Actions on jobs
The actions you can take on jobs changes depending on the job's status since certain actions may be more of a priority during certain stages of your workflow. There will be a primary action shown on the job from a button, as well as additional actions that you can see by tapping the More Actions (...) button.
The actions you can take on jobs are:
- Send booking confirmation: This is an action that's available on jobs in today, upcoming, or late statuses. A booking confirmation is a message that can be sent via email or text message that notifies your client you have their work in your books. It is typically sent manually at the start of the work to let them know you have their booking.
Tap More actions > Send booking confirmation, then Email or Text message for your delivery method
The template for booking confirmations is set up in from Settings > Emails & Text Messages. Learn more about Emails and Text Messages Settings.
Note: Booking confirmations are a different type of notification than appointment reminders which are sent out prior to each visit or assessment at the client's property. Booking confirmations are typically sent once work is booked, prior to any appointments.
- Go to visits: For jobs in late status, the primary action is to view the visits for this job in case you need to reschedule or update any of them. Tap Go to visits to view a list of the visits and their statuses. If there are many upcoming visits, tap View All to see more
- Close job: This action is available for jobs in any status. Closing the job moves the job to the next status, which might be "archived" or "requires invoicing" depending on the invoicing frequency for this job. If you have any uncompleted visits, you will be prompted to either complete or remove them.
- Collect signature: If you are with the client in person, they can sign the job using their finger to draw a signature. Collected signatures are saved as a PDF note on the job.
For jobs in "requires invoicing status" one of the buttons will be to Collect signature. For jobs in other statuses, tap More actions > Collect signature to open the signature pad.
- Generate invoice: For jobs in "requires invoicing" status, Generate invoice is an action to create an invoice for this job.
- Delete job: If you need to delete a job from the app, navigate to the job and click More actions (...)> Delete.
To delete just an individual visit rather than the entire job (which removes all the visits), navigate to the visit you'd like to delete. Tap More Actions (...) > Delete visit.