From the side navigation in Jobber.com there is a section of work items, including:
- Clients
- Requests
- Quotes
- Jobs
- Invoices
Selecting one of these opens a list page for that item. The list is where you'll see key metrics for your selected item type, as well as a filterable list of all items of your selected type. For example, selecting Quotes opens the quotes list, including key metrics such as your quote conversion rate.
The Clients tab on the side navigation in Jobber.com opens your client list. You can search for clients and properties using the search bar in the top left.
Client key metrics
At the top of the list are some metrics to help you understand how your business is performing, including:
- New leads: On pricing plans that include lead management, new leads added in the last 30 days (including today) will show. There is a trend indicator to show change over the previous time period. Hover over the trend indicator to see a breakdown of the leads per period.
New clients: This is the number of new active clients added in the last 30 days (including today). There is a trend indicator to show change over the previous time period. Hover over the trend indicator to see a breakdown of the leads per period.
Note: When clients are imported, they will appear as both "new leads" and "new clients". - New clients YTD: This shows the number of new active clients added this calendar year (including today).
Note: If a lead becomes a client within 30 days of the lead being created in Jobber, it will appear in both the "new leads" and "new clients" counts. A lead becomes an active client when they take one of the following actions:
- approve a quote
- have a scheduled job
- receive an invoice
Filter and search your client list
To narrow down your client list, tags and statuses can be used as filters. Click Tags or Status to open a list of all tags and statuses and select one to filter the list. If you are filtering the list with tags, multiple tags can be selected. Learn more about Tags.
Clients can be sorted by name or last activity. Click on the Name or Last activity headings to sort your client list in ascending or descending order.
To remove filters from your client list, click the Status dropdown, then select All.
Clients can also be searched using the search bar. When filters are applied to the client list, the search bar text will say "Search filtered clients". When no filters are applied, it will read "Search all clients".
Actions on the client list
There are actions you can take on clients directly from the client list that save you the time of clicking into the client. These actions are:
- Edit tags (including adding and removing tags)
- Sending a general email
- More actions - Select ... (More actions) to:
- Archive client
- Delete client
Hover over the client in the list to view the actions.
Bulk actions on the client list
Tags can be edited for multiple clients at once. To edit tags for multiple clients:
- Select Clients from the side navigation to view your client list.
- From the client list, check the boxes next to each client name, then select Bulk edit tags from the menu above the client list to open the Edit tags pop-up.
- For the selected clients, select tags to add or remove.
- Then select Save.
Note: A maximum of 10,500 tags can be bulk added at a time.
To select all clients, check the box above the list to check the box beside every client.
To deselect all your selections, click Deselect all located above the list.
The Requests tab on the side navigation in Jobber.com opens your requests list.
Requests key metrics
At the top of the list are some key metrics relating to requests to help you understand how your business is performing, including:
- Overview: This is the breakdown of all your requests across different statuses.
Filter and search the requests list
The requests list can be filtered by:
- Status
- Request created date, the date range options are:
- All
- Last week
- Last 30 days
- Last month
- This year
- Last 12 months
- Custom range
When the requests list is filtered, the "All requests" heading changes to "Filtered requests" to indicate that the list only reflects requests that match the filters.
The requests list includes columns for:
- Client - This is the client's name
- Request - This is the request's title
- Property - This is the address of the property where work has been requested
- Contact - This is the phone number and email address of the client who submitted the request
- Requested - This is the date the request was submitted
- Status - This is the status the request is currently in. Learn more about request statuses.
The itemized requests list can also be sorted by clicking the ascending or descending arrows in these column headers:
- Client
- first name (A-Z)
- first name (Z-A)
- Request
- Created date
- Requested date
- Status
Request statuses
There are several statuses for requests:
- New: these are requests that have been created internally or submitted by a client, but no further action has been taken yet.
- Unscheduled: requests with an assessment required but not scheduled.
- Overdue: the assessment for the request has not been completed, but its scheduled date has passed.
- Assessment Completed: the assessment for this request has been completed, but the request hasn't been converted (if moving ahead) or archived. This status is a prompt that something needs to be done with the request, whether that's archiving it or converting it.
- Converted: these requests that have been converted into a quote or job. This is a final status for a request.
- Archived: these are requests that are not moving ahead. Archived requests were never converted and are not visible to clients. This is a final status for a request.
The Quotes tab on the side navigation in Jobber.com opens your quotes list. You can search for properties using the search bar in the top left.
Quote key metrics
At the top of the list are some key metrics relating to quotes to help you understand how your business is performing, including:
- Overview: This is the breakdown of all your quotes across different statuses.
Conversion rate: The conversion rate is calculated as ((number of quotes converted in the date period ) / number of quotes sent in the date period) * 100.
Since this measures a specific date range, it's possible that there may be more converted quotes than sent quotes within that date range, which means that the quote conversion rate may exceed 100%.
The trend indicator for the conversion rate is calculated as ((conversion rate in current date period) - (conversion rate in previous date period) / (conversion rate in previous date period) * 100. -
Sent quotes: These are quotes that have a sent date within this date period. The dollar value displayed reflects the value of sent quotes after discounts and tax.
The trend indicator is calculated by ((quote sent in current date period) - (quotes sent in previous date period) / (quotes sent in previous date period) * 100. -
Converted quotes: These are quotes that have been converted to a job within this date period. The dollar value displayed reflects the value of converted quotes after discounts and tax.
The trend indicator is calculated by ((quote conversion rate in current date period) - (quote conversion rate in previous date period) / (quotes conversion rate in previous date period) * 100.
Filter and search your quotes list
The quotes list can be filtered by:
- Status
- Quote created date, the date range options are:
- All
- Last week
- Last 30 days
- Last month
- This year
- Last 12 months
- Custom range
- Salesperson
When the quotes list is filtered, the "All quotes" heading changes to "Filtered quotes" to indicate that the list only reflects quotes that match the filters.
The itemized quotes list can also be sorted by clicking the ascending or descending arrows in these column headers:
- Client
- first name (A-Z)
- first name (Z-A)
- Quote number
- Property
- Created date
- Status
- Total
Quote statuses
There are 6 statuses a quote can be in:
- Draft: This is a quote that has not been sent to your client yet, and is only visible to you. Once a quote has been sent (or marked awaiting response) it is not possible to put the quote back into draft status.
- Awaiting response: This is a quote that has been sent to your client and is awaiting approval or a change request.
- Changes Requested: This is a quote that a client is requesting changes on.
- Approved: This is a quote that has been approved by the client, or has been marked as approved manually. Learn more about Quote Approvals
- Converted: A quote that has been converted into a job. Converted is a final status for a quote, once it's converted the status will stay converted even if the linked job is deleted.
- Archived: A quote that has been archived in the system. These are only visible to you in Jobber, not to your clients in client hub.
There is an overview of your quotes by status at the top of the quotes list along with the quote metrics.
Bulk actions on the quotes list
There are some actions on quotes that can be done directly from the quotes list, including:
- Archive quotes: Quotes can be archived individually from the quotes list, or multiple quotes can be archived at once. Quotes must be in one of these statuses to be archived: awaiting response, approved, or changes requested. A draft quote cannot be archived.
- Convert a quote to a job
- Send a single quote via text or email
- Delete quotes: Quote can be deleted individually from the quotes list, or admin users can delete multiple quotes at once.
To archive or delete quotes in bulk:
- Select Quotes from the side navigation to view your quotes list.
- From the quotes list, check the boxes next to each client name.
- Select the more actions button above the quotes list, select the icon for Bulk Archive or the ... icon > Bulk delete.
To take an action (including deleting, archiving, or converting) on a single quote from the quotes list:
- Select Quotes from the side navigation to view your quotes list.
- From the quotes list, locate the quote you wish to archive or convert to a job. From that row, select the more actions button (...) then select Convert to Job, Archive, or Delete.
The Jobs tab on the side navigation in Jobber.com opens your jobs list.
Job key metrics
At the top of the list are some key metrics to help you understand how your jobs are performing, including:
- Overview: This is the breakdown of all your jobs across different statuses.
Recent visits: This is the number of visits with a scheduled start date within the last 30 days (including today) for all job types. The dollar value is the line items total for:
- One-off jobs with a last scheduled visit date in date range
- Recurring jobs with per visit billing x number of visits in the date range
- Recurring jobs with per visit billing with custom visit line items within the date range
- Recurring jobs with fixed price billing where an invoice reminder start date is in date range
Visits scheduled: This is the number of visits scheduled within the next 30 days (not including today) for all job types. The dollar value is the total of:
- One-off jobs with a last scheduled visit date within the date range
- Recurring jobs with per visit billing x number of visits in the date range
- Recurring jobs with per visit billing with custom visit line items in the date range
- Recurring jobs with fixed price billing where an invoice reminder start date is in the date range
Permissions note
In order to see the job key metrics, team members need the following user permissions:
- View all jobs
- Show pricing
Filter and search your jobs list
The jobs list gives you a list of your jobs, an overview, as well as buttons for actions you can take from this page. This page can be used to monitor the statuses of your jobs to make sure that nothing is slipping through the cracks.
You can filter the jobs list by:
- Status: Filters the list by status (such as active, requires invoicing, or late visits).
- Type: Filter by one-off or recurring jobs.
When the jobs list is filtered, the "All jobs" heading changes to "Filtered jobs" to indicate that the list only reflects jobs that match the filters.
The itemized list can also be sorted by clicking the ascending or descending arrows in these column headers:
- Clients
- First name (A-Z)
- First name (Z-A)
- Job number
- Next visit/schedule
- Status
- Total
The jobs list has columns for the property address as well as the next visit for the job and the schedule.
Job statuses
In addition to the overview, the status filter dropdown shows each of the job statuses as well as the number of jobs you have in each status.
The job statuses are:
- Active: Active jobs are the jobs in progress.
- Upcoming: These are jobs with future visits scheduled.
- Today: Jobs with visits scheduled today.
- Late: These jobs are active. They have visits where the scheduled visit date has passed, but the visit wasn't completed.
- Unscheduled: These are jobs that have visits created, but the visits have been set up to be scheduled later.
- Action Required: These are jobs that are still active, but they have no more upcoming visits. You can think of action required like being "on hold". Action required is a prompt to either schedule more visits or close the job.
- Requires Invoicing: Jobs that are in requires invoicing status have an overdue invoice reminder. This is a prompt to create an invoice for this job.
Ending Within 30 Days: These are jobs that have an end date that falls within the next 30 days. After their end date, this job won't appear on the calendar anymore.
Note: This status refers to jobs (not visits) where the job duration is ending in the next 30 days. The end date of a job isn’t the date of the last visit, it’s the start date + the duration. - Archived: These are closed jobs that no longer need to be invoiced. These are the jobs that you are done with.
Actions on the jobs list
There are two actions you can take from the jobs list.
Creating a new job is the recommended action. You can do this by clicking the New Job button in the top right of the page.
From the More Actions button, you can select to Manage Job Forms. This option will take you to Settings > Job Forms where you can create new job forms and edit existing ones.
The Invoices tab on the side navigation in Jobber.com opens your invoices list.
Invoice key metrics
At the top of the list are some key metrics to help you understand how your invoices are performing, including:
- Overview: This is the breakdown of all your invoices across different statuses.
- Issued: This is the number of invoices you have issued over the last 30 days (not including today), as well as the dollar value of all invoices issued during this time. Hover over the trend indicator to view how this compares to the previous 30 day period.
- Average invoice price: This is the average dollar value of all invoices issued over the past 30 days (not including today). Hover over the trend indicator to view how this compares to the previous 30 day period.
Filter and search the invoice list
The invoice list can be filtered by:
- Status
- Invoice due date
When the invoice list is filtered, the "All invoices" heading changes to "Filtered invoice" to indicate that the list only reflects invoices that match the filters.
To filter by status, select the Status filter, then select a status.
Another way to filter by status is to select an invoice status from the overview.
To filter by invoice due date, select the Due date filter, then from the drop down select:
- All
- This month
- Last month
- This year
- Custom range
Then select Apply to add the date range filter to the invoices list.
The invoices list is where you'll find a list of all your invoices where you can filter by status as well as sorting by:
- Client
- first name (A-Z)
- first name (Z-A)
- Invoice number
- Due date
- Status
- Total
- Balance
Invoice statuses
The invoice statuses are:
Draft: The invoice has been created, but hasn't been sent to a client or marked as sent
- A draft invoice will move into the next status when it is sent (either by email or text message), or marked as sent.
- Awaiting Payment: The invoice has been sent to a client, and has not been paid yet. The invoice due date has also not passed yet.
- Past Due: The invoice is past its due date, and hasn't been paid for, or marked Paid
- Paid: A payment for the full invoice balance has been applied, or the invoice has been manually marked as Paid
- Bad Debt: An invoice in bad debt status has been deemed partly or fully uncollectible. Either part of the remaining balance or the full invoice balance has been marked as bad debt to close out the invoice and remove it from the client’s billing history. The invoice remains in Jobber for your records.