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Your workflow may include sending your client a quote before you can begin the work. A quote is an document that breaks down the individual products and service you're offering the client to create the total cost of a job. If you need to build a quote while on-site the Jobber mobile app has you covered.
You can create a quote in the Jobber app by:
- Using the quick create menu: Tap the + icon in the corner of the app, then select Quote.
- Converting a request to a quote: From a request, tap More Actions > Convert to Quote.
- Creating work from the client's profile: Navigate to the client, then tap +Create and select New job.
This article will walk you through how to create a quote in the app and what actions you can take on these quotes once they're made.
Creating a quote
If you are creating the quote from the quick create menu, all the fields will be blank for you to fill in. If you are starting from a request, the same client from the request will already be associated with this quote.
To fill out each section tap the + icon to add details. The sections are:
- Client: Add a client to this quote. You're able to view recently active clients or search your client list to create this quote for an existing client. If this quote is for someone you haven't done work for before, tap Create New Client to enter their details.
- Overview:
- Add a job title. This will describe the work being quoted. This title does not transfer to the job when the quote is converted.
- Fill out any quote custom fields.
- Work:
- Line items: Tap + to add line items to the quote.
- Select a line item from your products and services list. These are shown in the same order they appear in from Settings > Products & Services. Use the search bar to quickly find and select from your products and services.
- Tap each line item to select it. Multiple line items can be selected at once to add to the quote. If you add too many line items, tap the checkbox next to the selected line item to deselect it, or tap Deselect All to undo all your selections.
- Note: Adding text is not an option in the mobile app, however text can be added to quotes from Another option is to create a line item for $0.00 with the text, or add a quote client message.
- To add a new line item that's not in your products and services list, tap the + icon in the top right. Enter a name, description unit price, and quantity for this line item. On select plans, there are options to add an image for the line item or to make the line item optional, meaning your client can choose to add it to their quote. Line item images on quotes will be visible on jobs and visits, but must be edited from the quote. Optional line items are a good fit to create packages that your clients can choose from, or add additional items to upsell. When you enable a line item as optional, you'll have the option to recommend the line item which automatically adds it to quote (however the client can choose to de-select it in client hub). Learn more about Quoting on the Grow Plan.
- To add this new line item to your products and services list so that you can offer it again in the future, keep the toggle for Save to products and services to ON.
- If a line item is tax exempt, slide the toggle for Charge taxes for line item to OFF. By default, this will be on when adding new line items.
- To delete a line item from the quote, tap the line item to open the details. Then from the Edit line item screen, tap the More Actions button (...) > Remove line item.
- Discount:
- Tap Discount to add a discount to the quote. There are two types of discounts that can be added: a Percentage (%) or a Fixed amount ($).
- Select the discount type, then enter the discount amount.
- Tax
- Tap + to add a tax rate to this quote. If the client's property has a default tax rate associated with it, that tax rate will be automatically applied to the quote.
- Total
- The total is automatically calculated based on the line items entered, discounts, and taxes.
- Required deposit
- Tap Required deposit to add a required deposit on the quote. A required deposit is the amount you're asking your client to pay upfront before work can begin.
- Online payment settings
- If you've added a required deposit to your quote and if your account is set up to accept bank payments you'll see the option to select which online payments options are available for the deposit.
- Toggle Accept credit card payment and/or Accept bank payments (ACH) to set the payment methods you'll accept for this invoice.
- Note: When enabling bank payments, you will see your bank payment (ACH) transaction limit. If the total of the invoice or quote deposit is greater than the remaining limit, bank payments will be disabled as an online payment option.
- Client message
- Tap + to add a client message. This might be a note thanking them for their interest in your business, or any other notes you want to pass along about this quote.
- Tap Save Message once your message is entered.
Review and send quote
Once you have finished building out the quote, the next step is to send it to your client for their consideration. But don't worry, you'll still get a chance to preview the quote and see how it will look to your customer when they view it in client hub. Tap Send to look the quote over one last time and chose if you want to send this quote by text or email.
This will bring up a preview of the quote you're about to send to your client so you can see how it will appear in client hub. When viewing the quote in client hub, your client will be able to interact with it. This includes the ability to select optional line items, view line item images, approve the quote, request changes, and pay deposits. Select Send by text or Send by email to send the quote using your preferred method. If you need to make any changes to the before you send it, tap the back arrow icon in the top left corner to exit the Review Quote screen.
Send by text message
Select Send by text message to text your client a link to the quote. If the client's primary (starred) phone number can receive text messages, that phone number will already be filled in as the recipient of this text message. To send the quote to additional people, enter each of their phone numbers as well. The client's phone numbers on their profile will be options that you can select from a list.
There is a default message that is sent with the quote that is set up in from Settings > Templates. This message can be customized for this text message only in the Text quote preview screen, so you can add in any additional details. Text messages have a limit of 1600 characters.
Note: Any recipients of this text will be able to view the quote in client hub and will also receive quote follow-up texts as well.
Attachments cannot be added when texting a quote. If you need to attach additional images or files, sending the quote as an email may be a better fit. Clients will be able to view line item images when viewing the quote in client hub.
Send by email
The client's primary(starred) email address will already be filled in as the recipient of this email. To change the recipients, tap the X to remove any already entered recipients, then enter the new email addresses(es). Any email addresses that are listed on the client's profile will be available to select from a list, or you can enter a new one.
Note: Any recipients of this email will be able to view the quote in client hub and will also receive quote follow-up texts as well. CC'd recipients will not receive follow-ups.
Tap ... to add a CC for this quote or to change the reply-to for this particular quote. If the client replies back to the quote, the reply will go to the email address listed for quotes in Settings > Emails and Text Messages Settings in Learn more about Emails and Text Messages Settings.
This settings page is also where you can set up the template for the message in the body of the email. However, if you need to customize the template message to have information relevant to the quote you're sending, the email can be edited from the previous Email quote preview screen in the app before it is sent.
Turn the toggle for Send me a copy to ON to BCC the email address that you log into Jobber with a copy of the emailed quote.
If you are sending the quote by email and you would like to add additional attachments to the email, from the attachments section tap + to upload files from your device. By default, the quote PDF is not included as an attachment but if you would like to send it along with the email, in the Add attachments screen check the box for the quote PDF to send it as an attachment.
Note: There is a 10MB size limit for attachments sent by email.
After you send the quote to your client the status will change to "Awaiting Response". To send the quote again, tap Resend.
You'll know the first time your client views the quote in client hub, because admin users will see a push notification letting them know the client has viewed the quote and can then follow up, if needed. Learn more about push notifications.
Actions on a sent quote
There are a number of actions that can be taken on a quote once it's been sent. The options that appear are based on the status of the quote.
If a quote is in "Awaiting Payment" status, two of the actions appear as buttons: Approve and Resend. The other actions are found by tapping the More Actions (...) button. These options are: Archive and Delete.
If a quote is in "Approved" status, instead of Approve (since the quote is already approved) there is a button to Schedule Job. There are also additional options from the More Actions (...) button: Collect Signature and Collect deposit, in addition to Archive and Delete.
Collect a signature on a quote
To approve the quote in person and collect a signature, tap Approve on a quote in "Awaiting Payment" status or More Actions (...) > Collect Signature if the quote has already been approved. This will bring up a signature screen where the client can draw to sign to approve the quote. Then tap Confirm. The collected signature will appear on the quote PDF and be saved as a note.
If you don't require a signature just tap Skip at the bottom of the screen.
If you have a required deposit added to the quote, when approving the quote you will be able to record the deposit payment once the signature has been captured or skipped.
Collect a deposit on a quote
When approving a quote, you'll be prompted to collect a deposit as part of the approval flow. For a quote in "Awaiting Payment" status, tap Approve. After collecting (or skipping) a signature, if the quote has a required deposit you'll be taken to the Collect Deposit screen.
A deposit can be recorded on an approved quote by tapping More Actions (...) > Collect Deposit.
The payment amount cannot be edited for a partial payment. You are collecting the full required deposit balance.
There are several payment method options:
- Credit card (through Jobber Payments)
- If the client has any saved cards on file, select from those cards rather than entering the card details manually.
- To charge a new card, select Add new card to enter card details and charge the client's card through Jobber Payments. To save the card for future use, enable the toggle for Keep this card on file.
- Jobber card reader
- We also offer a Card Reader which allows your clients to pay via Apple or Google Pay as well as by credit card. With the card reader we are also able to offer at 0.2% discount on your credit card fees for transactions processed through the card reader.
- Offline payment methods including cash, check, bank transfer, money order, or other
- Note: The offline payment methods create a record that you've accepted payment outside of Jobber, you are not charging the client by selecting one of these methods.
After entering your payment method, to add any other information (such as the date, check number, etc) tap the Details field.
Once the deposit details have been entered tap Collect Deposit.
Next, you'll see a confirmation that the deposit was collected. Tap View receipt to view the receipt from this payment. From the receipt, tap Email receipt to send your client a copy of the receipt. Clients are also able to see their payment receipts in client hub, so if they need a record of this receipt in the future, they can download or print it from client hub.
Learn more about Collecting Card Payments in the Field Using Jobber Payments with the Jobber App.
Changes requested
If a client requests changes to the quote, the quote status will be updated to "Changes Requested". The client's description of what they'd like to be changed will appear on the app:
Editing quotes
To make changes to the quote, tap each of the existing line items to edit them. To add a new line item, tap the + icon from the Line items section. To make edits to the other fields on the quote, tap on the field that you need to change. You will then be able to edit that field.
Note: The subtotal cannot be edited as it is calculated based on the sum of the line items on the quote.
Once your changes are made, tap Resend to let the client know you've updated the quote.
If you need to reach out to your client to discuss the changes further, tap the Phone icon in the top navigation menu of the quote to call them. On select plans, tap the Text message icon to open a text message conversation with your client.
Quotes list
To view a list of all the quotes in your Jobber account, navigate to the Search tab from the bottom menu. From the client list, tap Quotes to view a list of your quotes. The list will show the most recent 100 quotes, but items beyond the most 100 recent can be pulled up from the search. You can search by using:
- Client name
- Client phone number
- Address
- Custom field entry
- Line item
- Quote number
- Job title on the quote
Each quote in the itemized list has a label for the quote status, so you'll know at a quick glance where each quote is in your workflow. Quotes can also be filtered by status so you'll only see items of a particular status in the list. To filter by status, select Quotes to view the quote status options. Tap the status for a list of items in that status.
There are 6 statuses a quote can be in:
- Draft: This is a quote that has not been sent to your client yet, and is only visible to you.
- Awaiting response: This is a quote that has been sent to your client and is awaiting approval or a change request.
- Changes Requested: This is a quote that a client is requesting changes on.
- Approved: This is a quote that has been approved by the client, or has been marked as approved manually.
- Converted: A quote that has been converted into a job.
- Archived: A quote that has been archived in the system. These are only visible to you in Jobber, not to your clients in client hub.