Table of Contents
Easily edit all your communications from one convenient place.
In your settings, Emails and Text Messages is where you can customize your email and text messages that are sent to your clients. This includes notifications that are sent manually like booking confirmations as well as those that are sent automatically like visit reminders. A template can be customized for each communication type.
To navigate to your email and text message settings, click the Gear Icon > Settings > Emails and Text Messages Settings.
Certain emails and text messages are available on on select plans. View our current pricing plans. Sending text messages is a delivery option in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
To check what plan you're on, navigate to the Gear Icon > Account and Billing. If you have any questions about your plan's features or pricing, our support team is here to help!
If you are using two-way text messaging, these settings are found from Settings > Two-Way Text Messaging.
To add your logo to your emails, go to Settings > Branding. Learn more about Branding.
Note: Only admin users can access settings.
Note: If text messaging is not available through Jobber in your region, this page will be called Email Settings.
Email reply settings
Different types of emails sent from Jobber come from different domains. Emails sent from Jobber may come from:
- - Emails to you from Jobber will come from this domain. This includes emails such as password resets, exported reports, or information about your Jobber account.
- - Emails to your clients that follow a template where the template hasn't been customized for individual emails will come from this domain.
- - Emails to your clients that follow a template where the template has been customized for individual emails will come from this domain.
If a client replies back to an email from Jobber you can designate a team member to receive replies for emails of that type. Only one recipient can be selected for each type of email.
To customize the global settings for your Jobber account, navigate to Settings > Emails and Text Messages Settings. From Email Reply Settings heading, click Edit. The email reply-to settings that can be customized are:
- requests (including booking confirmations, assessment reminders)
- quotes (including , change requests, and approvals)
- Note: Quote follow-up settings have moved to Settings > Automations.
- jobs (including visit reminders, booking confirmations, job forms, and job follow-ups)
- invoices (including receipts).
- Note: Invoice follow-up settings have moved to Settings > Automations.
The team members who appear as options for email replies are the users who have permissions to view, create, and edit that item type. For example, if they have permission to view, create, and edit quotes then they would be eligible to receive replies for clients replying back to emails about quotes (including change requests and approvals).
By default, the reply-to is the sender of that email. To set an assigned person to receive replies for all emails of a certain type, or set replies to go to the company's email address listed in Settings > Company Settings, use the dropdown menu for each type of item to the reply-to recipient.
Note: If the email address field in Company Settings is left blank, then there won't be an option to set the company email as the reply email.
Your global settings will apply to all emails of that type, however emails can have their reply-to changed individually, as needed. When sending an email, select the more actions menu (...)to view additional options for this email, including Change Reply-to Email.
From the Send replies to dropdown, select the team member to receive any replies to this email, or select the company email which is the email address you have listed in your Company Settings.
Email notifications
The person selected as the reply-to will also be the person to receive email updates about that item. For example, the reply-to person for quotes will receive email updates when a quote is approved or if requests are changed. Other admin users will see updates to these items in activity feed, but won't receive email updates.
If you are the reply-to recipient, you will receive emails notifying you about:
- Requests
- New requests received
- Note: If the reply-to for requests is the sender, all admin users will receive an email about the new request since there was no original sender.
- New requests received
- Quotes
- Quote approvals
- Quote changes requested
- Quote deposit received
- Invoices
- Invoice payment received
Deactivating a reply recipient
If a team member has been assigned to receive email replies and notifications and then they are deactivated from your Jobber account or their permissions are changed, they will be removed as the reply-to from any work items they had been assigned to and replies will go to the sender instead.
If an email reply cannot be delivered to the designated email address (for example, if an email address is not valid), we will try sending it to recipients in this order:
- The email sender, if they cannot be reached then;
- the company email (listed in Settings > Company Settings), if there is no email listed then;
- the account owner, if the email cannot be delivered then;
- the admin user that was added to the account first.
Types of emails and text message templates
These are the different categories and types of notifications you can send manually or automatically through Jobber. For each of these notifications, click Edit to customize the message templates. A pop-up will open that has tabs to edit the templates for the email and if applicable, text message. If you only see a tab for email, it means that item cannot be sent via text.
Your request notifications include:
Submitted requests – This is the message you client receives after they have submitted a request.
- Sent automatically when a client submits a new request.
- This message can only be sent via email.
Booking confirmation – Notifies a client that you now have their assessment booked in.
- This message is sent manually.
- Can be sent either a text message or email with templates for both message types.
Assessment reminders – Reminds your client that you will be visiting their property.
- Can be sent automatically according to a schedule (for example, one day before the appointment) or manually from the appointment on your schedule on
- Can be sent either as text messages or emails with separate templates for both message types.
Your quote notifications include:
New quote – Notifies a client that they have received a new quote.
- This message is sent manually when you send a client a quote via email or text message.
- This message can be either a text message or email.
Quote approval – This message is sent when a client approves a quote.
- This message is sent automatically upon quote approval.
- This message can only be sent via email.
Your job notifications include:
Booking confirmation – Notifies a client that you now have their job booked in.
- This message is sent manually.
- Can be sent either a text message or email with templates for both message types.
Visit reminder – Reminds your client that you will be visiting their property.
- Visit reminders can be sent automatically according to a schedule or manually from the schedule.
- Visit reminders are available as both text messages and emails with separate templates for both message types.
Job form – The email that is sent along with a job form when you send it to a client.
- Job forms are sent manually.
- This message can only be sent via email.
Chemical treatment – Send your client a record of chemicals used during their job.
- This notification is sent manually.
- Chemical treatments can only be sent via email.
Job follow-up – Automatically request feedback after a job is completed with an optional survey.
- This notification can be sent automatically upon job completion or manually from the job.
- The job follow-up is only available as an email.
Your invoice notifications include:
New invoice – Notifies a client that they have received a new invoice.
- This message is sent manually when you send an invoice via email or text message.
- This notification can be either a text message or email.
Payment & deposit receipts – Send a copy of the receipt to your client when they pay online or in person.
- Receipts can be sent manually, or automatically with Jobber Payments.
- Receipts are sent via email only.
Your general notifications include:
- Statements – The message that is sent along with an attached statement. This message can only be sent via email and is sent manually.
- Request a card on file – Send a message to your client to request that they save their card in wallet in client hub. Saving a card on file enables you to set up automatic payments or to charge their card as needed.
- Signed documents – When you collect a signature online and check the box for "send your client a copy", this is the message that goes along with the signed PDF. This message can only be sent as an email.
To customize a template, click Edit.
The template is what sets the default message for all communications of that type. Type the message that you'd like your clients to receive for this type of message.
Variables can be used to input information that is unique to the client receiving this email or text message, such as their name or the date of their appointment.
Variables can be added to your templates so that Jobber will automatically populate the information specific to a certain client for you. View the complete list of Jobber variables.
For example if you use the variable {{CLIENT_NAME}} in an invoice template, it would plug in the client's name where that variable appears. So if you have "Hi {{CLIENT_NAME}}" in your template, the message would send with "Hi John Smith" filled out.
Clicking on Insert Variable will bring up a list of variables that you can choose from. Select a variable from the list to insert it into your template.
Schedules for automatic notifications
Reminders and follow-ups that can be sent automatically have additional options. This includes the messages for:
- Assessment reminder
- Visit reminder
- Job follow-up
For each of these notifications, there is a toggle switch where you can turn this notification ON. Turning a notification on from this page enables it for all clients who have automated notifications enabled. If a particular client does not want to receive automated notifications, you can update their settings by navigating to the client, then and clicking More Actions > Edit and updating their automated notifications preferences.
Click Edit to customize the template for this notification and adjust the schedule for the notification.
There are four options for customizing notifications, however not every notification type will have all these options.
- Status: Turn this automatic reminder schedule On or Off
- Send Via: Email or Text Message
- Schedule: Set the schedule for when the notification will send out
- At this Time (Optional): Set a specific time of day that the notification will send out. You will need to choose a time for Text Message reminders to be sent to anytime visits.
For assessment and visit reminder reminders, you will have an option of choosing text or email for the delivery method.
Customize individual messages
The templates will populate messages by default, but you will still have a chance to look them over and make edits before the message is sent. For example, when sending an invoice to a client via email, this is the preview of the message where the body of the email can be changed.
This preview is where you can customize or add in any additional detail for this particular text going to your client. Making a change here won't update the template, however you can click Customize your default templates to jump to the templates page where you can update the template.
The preview of a text message is not customizable on an individual message basis. To customize a text message, the template will need to be updated.
Note: There is a 160 character limit for text messages as this is the maximum number of characters that will fit in one text. If you go over this limit, that's ok! Your message will still be delivered, it just might be in multiple text messages. That being said, most smartphones will recognize when there are multiple text messages and group them together as one message —but this varies based on different devices and cell phone providers.
PDFs and email attachments
Invoice and quote PDFs are not automatically attached when sending an invoice or quote by email. Your client will be prompted to view their work in client hub where they can interact with that item in a way they can't with a PDF. For quotes, this includes the ability to pay deposits, select optional line items, approve the quote, or request changes. For invoices, clients can pay that invoice directly in client hub with Jobber Payments.
If your clients would like a PDF copy of their quote or invoice for their records, there are a few options for them! From client hub, on quotes, invoices, and receipts there is a button for Download PDF that will save a copy of the PDF to their device.
You can also choose to attach a PDF when sending a quote or invoice via email. When previewing the email message, there are option for attachments along the right side of the email preview. If you would like to upload attachments such as photos to the email click Select a file. To add the PDF of this item, check the box to attach the PDF.
Note: PDFs are only added as attachments on a one-off basis. Adding a PDF as an attachment to an email message only attaches the PDF for the particular item you're sending.
Client communications report
The client communications report shows all email and text messages sent from your Jobber account to your clients. This report is where you can make sure the communication was delivered, preview the message, and view if it was opened.